Chapter 27

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•Jahseh's P.O.V•
I woke up early in the morning than usual. Shiann was still sleeping. I brushed my teeth and took a shower. I threw on my basketball shorts and went in the kitchen to make myself something to eat. I still can't believe my girlfriend is pregnant. I'm actually going to become a father. Today wifey and I are gonna go see my moms and let her know she's gonna have a grandchild soon and then we're gonna go to Shiann's moms crib and let her know.

I decided to run to the store because I had to get a couple stuff to make breakfast. I went back into my room quietly and put on a top and some flippers and to grab my wallet. Then I headed out.

•Shiann's P.O.V•
I woke up and didn't see Jahseh next to me. I guess he's up early today. I went to go brush my teeth and take a hot steamy shower. I threw on some grey shorts and a white tank top and some slippers. I wasn't feeling so good but oh well. I left my hair all wet curly and puffed up. I walked in the kitchen and didn't see Jahseh so I walked in the living room and also didn't see him. Where can he be? I took a seat by the counter and just waited.

15 minutes later.
Jahseh then came back with a couple bags in his hand. "Oh hey babe, your up" He said kissing me on the cheek. "Hii and yeah I was like where the hell is Jahseh" I said to him. "I went to go get a couple stuff to make breakfast" he said while taking out the groceries. "Need help?" I asked Jah. "Nope, you sit down and relax I got it" he replied. He's so overprotective man. "So what time are we gonna head out to see your mom?" I asked him while taking a seat. "Uhh after we finish eating and shit like that, we also gotta go house hunting" Jahseh said. House Hunting ? I'm confused. "Wait house Hunting? What you mean?" I asked. "Well not really house Hunting....I found this house with like 8 rooms including a studio room. We can live together and start our family there" Jahseh said. I'm happy we're gonna be living together but aren't we kinda in a rush? Jahseh is so happy so I didn't wanna ruin it. "Oh okay yeah that's great" I said softly. Jahseh started cooking so I went to go sit in the living room and watch TV.

I started rubbing my stomach and started smiling. I'm actually really glad to have a child but it only thing that sucks is that I'm having a child at a young age.

Later on.
After we finished eating and cleaning up the house we decided to get ready and head to Jah's moms house. We got in the car and Jahseh felt like I shouldn't drive so he drove. "Damn tour is still going on, we head to Dallas tomorrow" Jahseh said. I was thinking I should stay home while he go on tour so he can concentrate and not have to worry about me. "I can stay home so you can concentrate and do ya thang" I said to him while staring out the window. "Hell naw, you coming with me" he replied. I kissed him on the cheek then continued looking out the window.

Awhile later we reached in front of a big beautiful house. So I'm guessing we're at his moms house. "You ready?" Jahseh asked me. I was actually nervous but eh. "Yup" I responded. We walked inside and Jahseh's little brother ran to Jah. " aye Aiden this is my girlfriend Shiann" Jahseh said. "Hi, it's nice to meet you" I said to Aiden. "Hi, you too" Aiden said. We head to the kitchen and there was his mom. Wow she's gorgeous. "Hey momma" Jahseh said bothering his mom. "Boy you already acting crazy and you just came" she said laughing. "I wanna introduce you to my wifey" Jahseh said grabbing my hand. "Mom this is my girlfriend Shiann and Shiann this is my momma Cleo" Jahseh said. "Hi it's finally nice to meet you in person" his mom said giving me a hug. "It's nice to meet you too" I replied. We all went into the living room and took a seat. "So we have some news to tell you" Jahseh said. His mother handed me some water. Thank god cause I was hella thirsty. "Thank you" I said. "Your welcome love, what you gotta tell me?" Cleo asked. Jahseh and I looked at each other and took a deep breath. "She's pregnant" Jahseh said. His mom started smiling and she gave us a hug. "Wow congratulations I'm so happy, I'm going to be a grandma" his mom said. We thanked her and talked about some things.

Awhile later.
We had to leave because we had to head to my house next. Cleo is so sweet and caring. We said goodbye and head inside the car. My heart was beating because my mom is nothing like Cleo. "You okay babe?" Jahseh asked me. "Nope but let's go" I responded. Here goes nothing.

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