Chapter 14

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•Shiann's P.O.V•
The week went by pretty fast. My mom didn't notice the hickey, Jah, Ashanti, Ski and I been hanging out like everyday, I haven't spoken to Geneva that much but she's pretty cool. Hakeem and I became friends. It was now Monday the day of Hakeem's house party.

There's no school, by the way.

"Ashanti!!!wake uppp now you sleepy head!" I said hitting her with the pillow. "Okay okay! I'm up! Geez" she said getting up. I laughed and she just stood there. "It's like 1pm and your ass still sleep? Girl get up" I said laughing. "Ha! Ha! Ha your so funny, there's no school today so obviously imma sleep in" she said. "Yeah but we have a party to attend to at 6" I said. She looked at the time then look back at me. "BRUHHH ITS ONLY 1pm, WAKE ME UP WHEN ITS 4" she said they she laid back down. I rolled my eyes and laughed.

Just then my doorbell rang so I rushed downstairs. I opened it and see Jahseh. "Hi babyyy" I said gushing mad hard. He closed the door behind him and lift me up hugging me tightly. "Hey wifey" he said then kissed me. He then put me down and we walked into the kitchen. "Where's everyone?" He asked. Just then my little brother Miguel rushed downstairs. "Yo wassup man" he said to Jah. "Wassup vro" Jah said to him. My brother then walked into the living room and started playing his game. "My mom isn't home and my sister is upstairs in her room as usual" I said. "Where's shanti?" He asked. "That girl sleep" I said. He laughed so hard, I mean it's not that funny but ok. "Well imma go home and handle some shit then start getting ready, I'll see you later on babe" he said then he hugged me. "Okay" I said. We kissed then he went his way.

4 hours later
Ashanti and I started getting ready. We already showered from earlier so we just had to get dressed and do our hair. I wore a gemstone bra with a matching silky buttoned shirt but i left the shirt unbuttoned. I wore white shorts and some silver sandals with my hoop earrings, ring, and bracelet matching the outfit. I decided to flat iron my hair and put it into a bun. I sprayed on some perfume and put on some lipgloss.

Ashanti wore a cropped tank top with shorts and sandals and she left her hair out. She also wore her hoop earrings, bracelets, and ring and put on some lipgloss. Hakeem had invited Ashanti, Ski, Jahseh, And I over to his house early so Ashanti and I went to go pick up the boys then head to his house.

We reached to Jahseh's house and he looked so damn good. He was wearing a plaid unbuttoned shirt with black ripped jeans and his chain choker thing. "You look good" I said as he hop in the car. "Thanks sexy, you look good yourself but I suggest you button up that damn shirt" he said. "Gosh, your so annoying" I said. "I don't care bruh. Niggas gonna be staring at you and shit" he said. " what? I'm yours and yours only, fuck them other niggas" I said. He smiled and started gushing mad hard. "Um excuse me princess?" Ski said to Ashanti. "Yes babe?" She asked. "WHERE THE FUCK IS YO SWEATER? FUCK YOU WEARING ONLY A TANK TOP FOR?" He said to her. "I can wear your sweater" she said to him. "Oh ight" he said like he accomplished some shit.

We finally reached to Hakeem house and there was already a little bit of people in there. We walked in and Hakeem came walking up to us. "You guys made it! Hey Shiann you look nice" he said. "Thanks Keem and happy early birthday buddy" I said. "Thanks ma" He said.

•Jahseh's P.O.V•
The party later on started and Hakeem was all up in Shiann's grill which was pissing me the fuck off. Just then Geneva walked in....GREAT! Now I don't hate Geneva but I know she's feening to tell Shiann about our past just to get at me. A group of us was playing truth or dare. It started with Hakeem bitch ass cause it's his birthday. "I dare you Shiann to take a shot of Hennessy" he said to Shiann. Is this nigga serious? Out of all the girls he picks mine? This nigga is literally making my dark side come out and I don't want it to come out. Shiann then took the shot and everyone started cheering her on. 5 fucking minutes later and we still playing this fuck ass game. "I dare Geneva to kiss any girl here" Hakeem said. Geneva then grabbed Shiann's face and kissed her. NOW IM PISSED. "I'm done playing" Shiann said then she walked over next to me. "Your not mad at me right?" She asked me. "Of course not babe, just don't play again okay?" I said to her while hugging her. "Okay daddy" she said. "Who would you rather sleep with here and why?" Cole asked Hakeem. "I'll rather sleep with Shiann and because she's hot asf and I've always had a crush on her" Hakeem said. Shiann walked off and I know she was pissed. I gave Hakeem the look and then ran behind Shiann. "Ignore him princess, he's just a drunk asshole" I said to her. She wasn't crying or anything, she was just pissed. Imma go to the store and get you some water okay" I asked her. "Okay baby" she said. I grabbed Ski with me. It was time for my bad side to come out.

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