Chapter 11

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•Shiann's P.O.V•
Again I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off but somehow I wasn't upset I was actually in a good mood.

I got up and hit Ashanti with my pillow so she can get up. I connected my phone to the speaker and put on "Bloodline" by Ariana Grande as Ashanti and I get ready for school. It's Ashanti's first day and my second day. We brushed our teeth's then took showers. I took a shower first as Ashanti plan's out her outfit. I got out the shower then Ashanti hops in. I moisturized my skin then started getting dress while dancing to the music.

I wore a black chained crop top with a black chained ripped jeans matching the shirt. I also wore my black silver heart choker and my sliver hoop earrings and black leather boots and a black leather jacket. Ashanti came out and moisturized her skin as well. She wore a red crop top with the word 'babygirl' written on it with black ink, with black ripped jeans, black and red sneakers and a red thick sweater. She also wore hoop earrings. We started singing and dancing together while laughing. I'm so happy she's now living in Florida as well cause that's honestly the only person I love being around no matter what. She had to go into the bathroom to flat iron her hair. Like I said my hair was just a big curly ass puff so all I had to do was just comb it out and moisturized it. Like 25 minutes later she finished so we head downstairs and ate some breakfast.

"Good morning ladies....have a good day at school and remember Shiann be nice to Hakeem please" my mom said to me while getting ready to head to work. I didn't even say anything to her I just continued eating. I'm still pissed at her for saying those things about Jah. We finished eating and began heading out.

•In The Car•
Ashanti connected her phone to the Bluetooth and put on some 2pac. We both started singing like we never sang before. She then turned down the music.

"So we picking up Ski and Jahseh?" She asked me. "Wait what? I'm picking up Jahseh I don't know about Ski" I said to her confused. "Ski texted me asking if we can pick him up too, don't worry he's by Jahseh's house so you don't gotta do a lot of driving" she said. I actually like Ski he's pretty cool. "Ight" I said. We then reached in front of Jahseh's house and there was him and Ski outside smoking. They got in and I drove off. "Well good morning ladies" Jahseh said while smoking out the window. "Morning Girls" Ski said. "Morning" both Ashanti and I said. Ashanti and Ski kept looking at each other smiling. How cute they like each other. "So, double date later?" I asked them. "Isn't that for like people who are actually dating?" Ashanti asked me confused. "iSn'T tHaT fOr liKe pEoPlE wHo aRe aCtUaLlY dAtInG" Ski said mocking Ashanti. Jahseh started laughing like something was funny. "I don't see anything funny sir" I said to him in a sassy tone. "Aye shut yo ass up" he said. We all began laughing. We finally reached to school, we all walked in with different face expression.

Jah looks like he's high asf to even comprehend anything, Ski looks like he's about to spazz on someone, Ashanti all happy and shit, then I'm just chilling. "Well let's give you guys a tour" Jahseh said. As we was about to walk off a girl bumped into Jahseh not even paying attention. " where your going" this mysterious girl said to him. Ohhh so they know each other. "You should probably focus on where you was going" he snapped back at her. The girl rolled her eyes and continued walking off. I'm confused like who's that chick? "Who's that?" I asked. "Um a friend! Yeah an old friend ya know?" He said weirdly. No I don't kNoW but I just brushed it off. The boys showed us around before class started. I knew half of the spots but I didn't know the rest. Class then began so we all headed to class.

It was now lunchtime so I was excited because I was starving. We all took a seat outside and began eating. We bought our own food because the school food wasn't all that.

As I'm eating talking to Ashanti, Ski and Jah, Hakeem walked up tapping my shoulder. "Hey Shiann...can I talk to you?" He said. "Um yeah sure wassup?" I said. "I'm having a party next week Monday think you can come?" He asked me. I would go only if my friends come along. "Can they come as well?" I asked. "Yeah sure" he said nervously looking at Jahseh. "Okay we'll be there!" I said with a smile on my face. He then smiled and walked off. Jahseh seemed pissed. I looked over and see the same girl who bumped into Jahseh just standing in a corner with her friend while staring at Jahseh. Why the hell she keeps looking at him? And who the fuck is this chick?

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