Chapter 5

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•Shiann's P.O.V•
"You okay? You look like your about to throw up or something" Jahseh said to me. I did feel like I had to throw up this is sick! How did he even passed? Like what could've possibly happen to this man? "Can we just head somewhere please and can you drive? I don't think I can drive while I'm shocked and shaking" I said to him. "Yeah of course come on let's switch" he said. We got out the car and switched sides. I handed him my keys and just pushed my chair back and laid down. "I can take you to my house and we can chill if that's okay with you" He said to me while driving. "Yeah that's fine I really don't mind" I said while looking out the window.

We later reached at Jahseh's house which made me feel a little more better. He parked my car then we both head inside. "Woww you have a nice house" I said while looking around. "Thanks, want anything to eat or drink?" He asked me while opening his fridge. "Yeah I'll take a water" I said to him. He passed me a bottle of water and I started drinking because I needed that a lot. Just then a tall man with tats on his face and arms walked out. He was bald and he looked kinda scary.

"Whatcha doing home boy? Don't you have school?" He said to Jahseh. "Yeah something happened I'll tell you later tho" Jahseh said to him in a weird way but eh who cares he's probably still in shock. "Oh this is my friend Shiann...the new girl who came yesterday" Jahseh said to him. "And Shiann that's one of my vrother's his name his Tankhead" Jahseh said to me. "Hi, nice to meet you" I said in a shy way. "Nice to meet you too and there's no need to be shy I may look scary but trust me I'm nice" he said with a smile on his face. I then grabbed my phone and texted my mom so she can know what's going on.

I turned my phone off and put it in my bag and then took a seat on Jahseh's couch

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I turned my phone off and put it in my bag and then took a seat on Jahseh's couch. So my second day I find out my Principal's dead.

It was still not comprehending in my head but oh well the cops will handle it. Jahseh was just in the kitchen chilling I guess him and Principal Coleman didn't get along well cause Jahseh didn't really look like he cared. I walked over to him and took a seat on the counter. "So how you feel about this? What you think happened to him?" I asked Jahseh.

•Jahseh's P.O.V•
I was in the kitchen playing with my dog Sora till Shiann walked in and took a seat on my counter. "So how you feel about this? What you think happened to him?" She asked me. Gosh why she gotta ask me questions....what if I say something stupid and she realizes that I'm the one who did it. "I feel bad trust me I do the only reason why I'm not showing emotions or anything is because me and that man didn't really get along....he didn't like me for some reason" I said to her. She got quiet for about a min the finally spoke again. "Well he's an ass for not liking I said I feel like he didn't like you cause of your appearance, what an ass!" She said angrily. "Damn girl the man is dead *laughs* it's whatever tho a lot of people don't like me" I said to her while putting two hot pockets in the microwave. "Well for those people that don't like you are assholes as well....your like a nice person what the fuck! Ugh I hate when people who don't even know you judges you for no reason!" She said getting down from the counter.

I then took the hot pockets out of the microwave and put em on the counter. Shiann then took a fork from me and stabbed it hard asf into the hot pocket. "Okayy! I think you need to calm's okay if I don't let it get to me then don't let it get to you" I said while taking the fork away from her. "Yeah your right....well we should start eating so we can head to the airport and pick up my bestfriend" she said while taking a bite. I wanted to tell her about my past so bad but she might hate me and I'm already getting attached to her.

After we finished eating we head to the airport and waited for her bestfriend to come.

•Shiann's P.O.V•
As we're sitting in the lobby waiting for Ashanti, Jahseh and I took some pictures and videos on Snapchat.

I then felt someone's hand tapped my shoulder and when I turned around it was my bestfriend Ashanti. "AHHHH ASHANTIIII I MISSED YOU SO MUCH" I screamed while jumping up and hugging her. "I missed you too luv, why are you not in school though and who's this?" She said to me. "I'll explain the whole school situation to you when we get to my house and this is Jahseh my friend and Jahseh this is Ashanti my bestfriend since we we're like 7" I said to him. They both shake each other hands and greeted each other. "So my place?" I asked them both. "Actually you can just drop me home I want you to spend time with your bestfriend" Jahseh said to me. "Oh okay....yeah sure" I said. We all hopped inside my car and we pretty much just talked. I dropped Jahseh home then head to my house.

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