Chapter 7

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•Shiann's P.O.V•
One Week Later.
It's been a week and things were starting to go back to normal I guess? Eh idek.

Ashanti and I were decorating my room....finally it's been a week since I moved into that house and I'm now decorating my room. Jahseh and I been hanging out a lot recently and we got more closer than before. Tonight he invited Ashanti and I to his studio to chill and hear some of his music which I'm down for.

"So school begins back on Monday....and that is gonna be my first day" Ashanti said while helping me hang up some posters. Gosh I completely forgot school is on Monday and it's only Saturday today. I'm basically still a nEw gIrL because remember my second day is when we found out Principal Coleman passed so everyone had to leave and that was the last time I was at school. "Wow and I can't even give you a tour because I don't know around the school yet....I'm still new and shit" I said while hanging up my pictures. I wonder what Jahseh is up too.

•Jahseh's P.O.V•
It's been a week since the big scene happened. It's now Saturday and school begins back on Monday....great. On the good side though Shiann and I been kicking it off a lot lately and I've been thinking about her a lot. Later on her and her bestfriend Ashanti gonna come through the studio and just basically chill. I decided to head to the store to get some snacks and roll up for later on cause I know my busy ass gonna forget.

As I'm in the store picking up things I see Hakeem Bitch ass walk in. "Yo hey man, I have a quick question for you by chance have Shiann's number?" He asked me with a big stupid smile on his face like he finna get it. "What you want with it?" I asked him while balling up my fist. He doesn't need her number because he might wanna get her pants and tell her about my past. "Never mind dude, I'll hit her up on Instagram....peace" he said looking at me all weird. I'm gonna have to get him so he won't do no stupid shit. I paid for the snacks and shit then dipped. As I got in the car I decided to text to Shiann before driving off.

I turned off my phone and started laughing because this girl is really something man

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I turned off my phone and started laughing because this girl is really something man. Every time I'm around her it's nothing but good energy and positive vibes.

•Shiann's P.O.V•
After Jahseh and I finish texting I continued helping Ashanti hang up pictures and stuff. I then get a text on Instagram from Hakeem....what does he what?

I showed Ashanti the messages and she laughed like what's funny? Your suppose to help me out here

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I showed Ashanti the messages and she laughed like what's funny? Your suppose to help me out here. "What's funny? What should I do?" I said playfully rolling my eyes. "I'm sorry *laughs* you should go with him tomorrow I mean he's cute and single and your cute and single so just go" she said. I mean she is right he is pretty cute and plus I needed to make more friends anyways. "K, I'll go then" I said.

Just then the doorbell rang and I went to go get it. I opened the door and it was Jahseh. "Ew, you look like you just had a fight with my cat" he said walking in laughing. "Shut up, I'm in the middle of decorating" I said playfully rolling my eyes at him. We hugged and then went upstairs. "Oh hey Ashanti" he said to her. "Hey" She said. "So where's your mom and siblings?" He asked me while taking a seat on my bed. "At my aunts house....I was gonna go but I'm pretty busy, after this we're gonna head straight to the studio" I said to him. "Oh so I might be going out tomorrow with Hakeem" I said to him. "Oh that's cool....make sure you guys have some fun" he said but he sounded irritated. "You okay?" I asked him while taking a seat next to him. "Yup I'm gucci vro" He said. I didn't believe him but okay.

Hours later me and Ashanti started getting ready and then we head to the studio with Jahseh. There was a boy with a durag on in the booth rapping as we walked in. "Aye aye aye" Jahseh said to the boy. The boy turned around and bro hugged Jahseh. "Jah! Wassup man, hello ladies" he said to us. "Hey, I'm Ashanti this is my bestfriend Shiann" Ashanti said. We all took a seat and just basically talk. The friend of Jahseh's name was Stokeley but people calls him Ski. He's pretty cool and him and Ashanti seem to be kicking it off.

Me and Jahseh went into his office to talk and chill since Ashanti and Ski we're talking up a storm in the studio room. "Your Friend is pretty cool, he's 18 as well?" I asked Jahseh while taking a seat. "Yeah, he's just like me....well sorta" he said.

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