Chapter 28

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•Shiann's P.O.V•
Jahseh and I are on our way to my moms house. My heart was honestly beating fast and my palms were staring to get sweaty. I didn't want Jahseh to notice cause he'll make a big deal outta it and would want to take me back to his house. My mom needs to know now. "You okay babe? You keep moving around" Jahseh asked me. Shit I gotta think of something quick. "What? Oh I'm just excited to see Kayla, my siblings and my mom that's all" I said. "Hmmm" he mumbled. We stopped at Wendy's to get some food because I was getting pretty hungry.

Awhile later we reached to my moms house and I didn't even want to get out the car. "Babe if your not ready to tell her we can just head back to my place" Jahseh said holding my hand. I'm not ready but I have to let her know. "Nope, come on" I responded. We got out the car and walk up to my front door. I signed and then knocked. My sister opened the door. "Shiann!? Finally coming back home?" My sister asked hugging me. "That's what I Came here to talk about, where's mom?" I asked. "Sup Jahseh and she's inside come in....this is your home you know" my sister said. Jahseh and I walked in and my mom was in the living room watching TV. "Hey mom" I said walking towards her. "Oh hi you finally decided to show with him I guess" my mom said looking at Jahseh and I. She's already being annoying. "I Came to tell you some stuff" I said taking a seat. Jahseh stood right behind me. "How are you? You sure haven't spoken to your family in awhile" She said rudely. "I'm good mother, I have something to tell you" I said rolling my eyes.

She looked at me like she wanted me to tell her what it was. "So um I'm pregnant" I said. Her whole mood change, she looked pissed. "Pregnant!? Your only 18! Oh no no see I know this was gonna happen! It's him!" She shouted pointing at Jahseh. "Bro what? I didn't even plan on getting her pregnant it just happened" Jahseh said trying to stay calm.

"You need to either put the baby up for adoption, kill it or you need to get the hell out my house! Your 18! And a baby with him? Oh god" my mom yelled. My heart dropped. Kill it!? Up for adoption!? When was my mom ever like this!? My stomach isn't even big yet I literally just found out like 2 days ago. "I'm leaving anyways! I wanna live with Jahseh! Your supposed to be my mother but I don't even know you anymore!" I shouted. I rushed upstairs to get my clothes. I opened my luggage's and pack my clothes, makeup, shoes, and the rest of my stuff. It's crazy to see how my life turned out, I was a new girl not to long ago now I'm a pregnant girl living with her somewhat crazy but caring boyfriend at the age of 18. Jahseh helped me carry my things to the car. I didn't even say bye to my mom I just left.

In The Car.
I tried to force myself not to cry because if I do Jahseh is gonna want to hurt someone or something. He doesn't like to see me sad nor mad. I just stared out the window wiping away the tears. I was pissed and low key emotional. My mom just fucked up badly and that hurts. "Nah vro your mom is all the way fucked up bruh! Talking bout some kill our child or put it up for adoption" Jahseh complained. "Mhmm" I mumbled. "You alright?" Jahseh asked. I hate lying or hiding things from him so I had to tell him I'm not. "Nope, can we go house hunting tomorrow? I'm tired and I just can't right now" I told him. I just want to go home and lay down. I feel nauseous and my legs hurt. "Ight" he mumbled.

We reached home and I rushed inside right away. I went into Jahseh's room and changed off my clothes into something more comfortable. I went to go lay down after I changed off and watched some TV. Jahseh came in and laid down next to me. "You should get some sleep, imma head out for awhile. Call me if anything okay?" He said to me while kissing my forehead. "Okay, be carful please and I love you" I said. "I love you more" He said getting up off the bed. He walked out the room and I already miss him. I closed my eyes and took a nap.

•Jahseh's P.O.V•
I left to go check out our new home with the boys. It's crazy how life is now. My girlfriend who I met not to long ago is pregnant with my child, I dropped outta high school to focus on my career, my girlfriend and I are getting a house together. I picked up Craig, Coolie, Trunks and Ski and we head to the place to check it out.

"Yo this house is big and nice vro, all these rooms for what though?" Trunks asked. The house has a lot of rooms and my own studio in it. "I don't know I like it though" I responded. "Me and Shiann room gotta be the biggest one" I said checking the rooms out. "How is she anyways?" Ski asked. "I don't know man, I can't say she's fine when she doesn't even look fine" I replied. When I said that I just felt my anger built up. I decided to go out and work on some music.

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