Chapter 35

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Shiann's POV.
I woke and rushed to the bathroom because I really had to pee. When I finished, I brushed my teeth and washed my face calmly and slowly with warm water just to feel relaxed.

I was about to head downstairs till heard music coming from soon to be my kids room down the hall. I head in and I see Jahseh and Stokeley painting and chilling.

"Hey guys" I said smiling. Jahseh rushed over to me and gave me a kiss. "Hey wifey, how was ya sleep?" He asked while admiring me.

"Well needed, I love you" I said then I kissed him. He looked at me and started looking at my body. "Watch when they come out, imma give you some time to heal then I'm finna give you baby number 3" he said. I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"Sup ugly" Stokeley said. I walked over and gave him a hug. No offense but out of all Jahseh's friends, Stokeley's my favorite.

"Well I'm going to go get something to eat, you guys want anything?" I asked. Jahseh jumped up and instantly rushed over to me. "I'm coming with you!" He shouted. I was confused....not because he participated to come with me but because of how he said it and the way he look, he had a worried look on his face. Stokeley looked at me like he was worried as well then he rushed over to us. "I'm coming too, ya know because I'm hungry" he said.

Something's not right. "What's going on? Why are you guys acting like this?" I asked. When I know something's wrong my body gets really hot and moist. "Nothing babe, we just want to come....let's go" Jahseh said. We all walked out and went into the car. I was going to drive but Jahseh wanted too.

•At Checker's•
"I'm going on line to order, what you guys want?" I asked. Jahseh looked at Stokeley and started laughing. "Since when I let you order? I already know what you both want, I'll do it" he said. I smiled and took a seat.

I looked at Stokeley and he was looking around as if someone was watching us. I looked at Jahseh while he was on line and he was doing the same while waiting. Something's definitely up. "Okay what's going on? You and Jahseh acting really weird" I said. Stokeley looked at me and smiled. "Wow look at this menu! Holy shit they got some good shit!" He shouted smiling. I sighed out of frustration and grabbed the menu from him. "I don't care about the menu! What's going on!?" I yelled.

He sighed and rolled his eyes. "Jahseh should tell you" He said. I looked at Jahseh and crossed my arms. Couple minutes later Jahseh walked back to us with our bag of food. "Ight let's bounce" he said then he looked at me. "What's up with her?" He asked Stokeley.

"What's going on? Stokeley told me that there is something wrong and you know!" I yelled. He sighed and walked out. I got up and grabbed Stokeley behind me. We all got in the car and it was quiet. "Well?" I asked. "Hey how come we didn't go through the drive-thru?" Stokeley asked. I looked at him and rolled my eyes. Jahseh was beyond quiet while driving.

•At Home•
We reached home and I instantly slammed the door on Jahseh while he was walking in. "Woww What the fuck!" He yelled. I rolled my eyes and took a seat on the couch. "Can you tell me? Please!?" I shouted. Jahseh and Stokeley looked at each other as usual and sighed. They took a seat on the couch besides me. "Akeem is after me" Jahseh said. I looked at him confusedly.

"What do you mean after you?" I asked.

"The day of the gender reveal party after Akeem spoke to us he wanted to talk to me alone, he pulled me in the corner and threatened me saying that after our babies are born he's gonna kill me" Jahseh said.

"So the boys and I been watching out and stuff like that because we never know when he'll strike" Stokeley added on. I got up and walked back and forth. I don't know if Hakeem's brother meant it or not but I'm scared. "What are we gonna do!?" I asked. I rushed over to the counter and grabbed my food and started eating, if I don't eat while I'm panicking I'm going to full on lose it.

"You! Don't do nothing, My vro's and I will handle it" Jahseh said walking over to me. "Yea, you keep yourself and the kids safe. We'll handle it" Stokeley added on. I know they got this but Hakeem has a lot of brothers and his dad? That man is beyond scary.

"Where is he anyways?" I asked. "Don't know, I think he went out of town or something" Stokeley said shrugging his shoulders. I looked at Jahseh and he looked back at me. "You have to promise me you'll both be safe.....all of you guys" I said. Jahseh hugged me and gave me a kiss. "We'll be fine, I promise. He's not even here right now so we're good" Jahseh said.

I took out their food for and handed it to them. "We're gonna go continue painting okay? You just sit down and relax" Jahseh said. They both went back into the room to continue painting.

I walked over to the couch still shocked. I took a seat on the couch just thinking. I don't know why but I feel like I should tell Kayla about this, maybe she'll help me calm down over the situation but I jut need to talk to her. I wonder if Ashanti know's, if Stokeley kept it a secret from me I'm pretty sure he kept it a secret from her.

I got up and grabbed my car keys and head out without the boys knowing cause I know they're gonna want to tag along and I don't need them everywhere with me.

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