Chapter 23

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•Jahseh's P.O.V•
"What was the last thing you and Hakeem did or say to each other?" Shiann asked me. I got upset so I just stayed quiet. This Hakeem shit is really annoying vro. "Nothing much, come on let's start making breakfast" I said. We started making breakfast together while we listened to some music and act retarted together. After we finished we cleaned up and started eating.

Hours later.
We ate, showered and started getting dressed. "Babe can you help me with this?" Shiann asked trying to zip up her dress. I zipped it up for her then stared at her. She's so beautiful man. "What?" She asked me. "Nothing you just ugly as shit" I said playfully. "Woww fuck you asshole" she said laughing. "Imma go find me a man who thinks I'm gorgeous" she also said. She definitely dragged it. "I'll fuck him up" I said. The service soon start so we started heading out.

At Service.
"As soon as we walked in all eyes on us. "Hi you must be Hakeem's friend Shiann and Jahseh" some random woman said. I wasn't friends with him but I'll go along. "Um yeah you must be his mom, it's nice to meet you and I'm so so sorry for your lost" Shiann said to her. "Thank you sweetie" his mom said. Just then two girls walked up to Shiann and I. "Omg Xxxtentacion We're like a big fan" they said. "Thanks it's nice to meet you guys stay positive" I said. I took pictures with them then they walked away. "GRAY! Over here!" Shiann yelled out. Great.

"Hey I tried calling and texting but it said you blocked me" He said to Shiann. "Yeah I never blocked you I don't know what happened but heyy, you look....fancy" she said to him. "Hey babe lets go take a seat" I said grabbing her arm. The service was going by fast. People said what they had to say and everyone talked and just looked at him in the casket. Soon the service ended so we decided to head to Shake Shack.

At Shake Shack
•Shiann's P.O.V•
Seeing Hakeem like that made my heart ache, that's all I was thinking about. "I'm gonna go order the food Ight? You just sit here and wait" Jahseh said to me. I nod my head yes as in ok and just sat there playing with the forks and spoons. "I don't think I can go to the funeral" I told Grayson. He just grabbed my hand and looked at me. "You been stressed out lately maybe you should just stay home, I'll let him know you couldn't make it" Grayson said.

Grayson is literally the best friend I can ever ask for. "Thanks Gray" I said. Just then Jahseh walked over and he looked pissed and I know exactly why. "You okay?" I asked him. "Why he gotta Touch ya hand?" Jahseh asked me. "It's wasn't anything serious babe, he was letting me know some real shit"I said. "Oh ight, here's your food" he said handing it to me then taking a seat next to me. "You know you could've just asked me why I was holding her hand" Grayson said to Jahseh. Oh god. "You wanna get ya ass kicked?" Jahseh asked gray. "Oh my gosh can you guys stop?" I asked them both. Just then Geneva walked in with a male friend. Can this day get anymore worse or stressful? Geez. "Oh look it's Jah and Shy" She said. Jahseh and I just ignored her and continued eating. "So did you tell her about the kiss?" She asked Jahseh. "You still on that lie? Wow your so delusional man" I said. "She's not lying" Jahseh mumbled. My jaw dropped and I was so confused and angry. "She kissed me though and I pushed her away I swear on everything" Jahseh said. I believe him trust me but when I asked him about it he said no. "But why would you lie to me? I asked you about this Jah and you lied to me" I said. "Can we just drop it? I apologize for lying" Jahseh said. "What happen if I kiss ya little girlfriend" Geneva said. That's it I had enough. "I'm outta here because If I don't leave I might end up in jail" I said walking out. Jahseh ran behind me. "Your not mad at me right?" Jahseh asked me. "No, I'm just mad that you lied to me but we're not gonna let it get to us" I said to him.

At Home
We reached home and honestly I just needed to take a shower....a hot one. "It really feels like we live together but your just sleeping over" Jahseh said. I laughed and kissed him. "Shower together?" I asked him. "Why is that even a question, come on" Jahseh said lifting me up and carrying me to the bathroom. We took off our clothes and got in the shower. We did our thang in there. He pinned me against the wet wall and started demolishing my soul. After we finished showering and messing around we watched a movie and just chilled.

Jahseh leaves to go on tour in a week and he wants me to come with him but I just don't know because I have school and stuff. I decided to not attend Hakeem's funeral so I had to let Jahseh know. "I'm not going to the funeral anymore" I said softly. "Oh, why?" Jahseh asked me. "Because I just can't" I said. "Oh okay" he said then he kissed my forehead. Just then I get a call from Ashanti.

On the phone with Ashanti.
Shiann: hello?
Shiann: oh my god ok were coming.

I then hung up and got up quickly. "What's wrong?" Jahseh asked me. "SKI GOT JUMPED! HE'S AT THE STUDIO WITH ASHANTI!" I yelled. Jahseh and i got dressed quickly and headed to the studio.

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