Chapter Ninety

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"You're back..." one of the Nuns rushes towards me as I close the front door behind me. "He's very close to reaching Home", she takes my hand in hers, tears forming in her eyes. "He's very weak and has done nothing but softly sing to your babies since you left. But even that is a struggle. You must go to him". I swallow back the lump that's formed in my throat and try to blink away the tears that threaten to fall. I gently push open the door to the room I had left Valjean in mere hours before, softly knocking as I do. Valjean looks toward the door, his face lighting up at my arrival, as sure enough, he sings softly to Jean and Arielle, holding them steadily.

"Alone at the end of the day, upon this wedding night I pray, take these children my Lord to thy embrace and show them grace". I join him and kneel at his side, and he takes my hand in his. "God on high hear my prayer. Take me now to thy care". Tears fall down my face as I listen to him praying earnestly. "Where you are let me be. Take me now, take me there. Bring me home...bring me...home" He sounds breathless.

"Here, let me..." I take the children from his arms and place them in the cradle beside his chair. I pass him the glass of water sitting beside him, and he feebly sips at it.

"Thank you..." He responds, barely audible, breathing heavily. "I'm glad you're here..." He smiles at me, but he sounds very weak.

"Where else would I be?" I try to speak with a lightness in my voice, but it wobbles with the tears that threaten to fall. Even in the few hours that I've been away from him, he seems to have deteriorated even further.

"I am so grateful for how you've taken care of me..."

"Oh, you're the one who's taken care of us all...I'll never forget what you've done for me. Allowing me to share in these days the way that I have. For allowing me to be a part of your family. I'm forever indebted to you, Monsieur".

"It's almost time..." He squeezes my hand tightly. I can't say anything, and he tries to change the subject. "How was the wedding?"

"You'll never believe..." I look at him right in the eyes. "You were right about Enjolras. His body was taken from the barricade...and God has brought him back to me".

"Praise be to God! Oh, how I praise Him with you! But how? When?"

"He was cared for in a hospital, all of this time, and we never knew. God really does work in mysterious ways...and as for the wedding, Cosette is beautiful..."

"I imagined she would be..." He smiles, but I can tell his heart is breaking inside. "I wish I had seen her...Juliette, I need you to do me a favour".

"Anything for you, Monsieur", I hold his hand tightly. He takes his free hand and reaches inside his pocket to reveal a folded page.

"After I'm gone, I need you to give this to Cosette –"

"But Monsieur I –" I try to interrupt to tell him that she's here, but he holds up a hand for me to let him finish talking.

"I need you to make sure she reads it...please".

"You have my word..."

"Thank you, sweet child", he pats my hand and gently kisses my head.

"Monsieur...I...I do hope you'll forgive me –"

"Forgive you? Whatever have I to forgive you for?"

"I've gone against your wishes...I've brought your daughter here..." I wait for him to respond, but he doesn't. "Would you like me to bring her in?" He nods, tears forming again in his eyes.

"I'll be a moment..."

I step outside, not able to form an appropriate sentence in my head. Whatever am I going to tell Cosette? Nothing sounds right.

"Juliette...are you okay?" Enjolras rushes to my side, noticing that I've been crying.

"I am so sorry..." I try to hold back my tears, but they've started to fall. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, Cosette...but I had made a promise, and I –"

"What is it?" Her eyes widen with concern.

"Your Father is inside...I think you need to see him. I fear he hasn't got long need to go to him..."

The Barricade Girl (A Les Miserables FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now