Chapter Thirty-Three

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The morning sunlight streams through my window, my white voile curtains slowly blowing in the breeze coming from the slight opening in the window. I sit up in my bed, stretching before wiping the sleep out of my eyes, allowing my eyes to become adjusted to the light. I don't remember going to bed – I don't remember climbing into my bed or falling asleep in my bed. The last thing I remember is sitting with Enjolras on the window seat, so I'm a little confused in my sleepy stupor as to how I got here. I groan to myself before opening my eyes fully to see Enjolras fast asleep on the cream divan sofa that sits in front of the window facing my bed. His shoes lay on the floor, and his legs up curled up on the divan, one of his socks hanging halfway off his foot, which I assume is a result of some fidgeting during the night. His burgundy jacket serves as a blanket, resting over his upper body, protecting it from the chill of the night. I move across my bed to sit myself at the bottom of it to get a closer look at the sleeping Enjolras. I've never seen Enjolras asleep before, and the experience is quite a novel one that prevents me from being able to wipe the slight smile from my face. He looks so peaceful, finally taking a rest from the pressure of his revolution. Funny, I had imagined that Enjolras wouldn't look so peaceful – I imagined that he would sleep with a slightly furrowed brow, the weight of the pressure affecting his sleep, meaning that he'd even sleep, as well as breathe, the revolution. But this is different to what I expected. He looks content. He looks restful, in a rare moment of relaxation where he can let his guard down. A soft knock at the door makes me jump, bringing me back from my daydreaming. I quietly get up off the bed and tip-toe my way over to the door, trying my absolute hardest to not wake the sleeping Enjolras. I slowly open the door to find Maggie standing there.

"Good morning, Juliette", she whispers.

"Hello, Maggie", I smile back.

"I've saved you some breakfast", she informs me.

"What time is it? Did we sleep in?" I gasp.

"It's ten o'clock in the morning. And 'we'?" She raises an eyebrow. I step back and allow her to poke her head around the door. "Well isn't he adorable", she says with a little laugh in her voice as she looks at him.

"We didn't sleep in the same bed, I promise. You know how I feel about waiting until I'm married..." I explain. "I don't remember going to bed, but I woke up, and he was on the divan..."

"I know. You are a wise girl. And if he loves you, he'll respect that decision", she smiles encouragingly.

"Thank you, Maggie", I reply, blushing a little like I always do when someone compliments me.

"I'll bring some breakfast up for you and Mr. Enjolras. I've told your Grandfather that you're sleeping off a headache so that you're on good form for tonight. Neither he nor your Aunt should disturb you", she says, with a twinkle in her eye. "It's quite an exhilarating feeling, knowing and protecting secrets for you", she laughs.

"You're a true friend, Maggie. I really appreciate your standing by me through all this", I place my hand on her shoulder, giving it a light and grateful squeeze.

"It's my pleasure", she replies sincerely, it now being her turn to blush with a little embarrassment. "I'll be back shortly with some breakfast for you".

"Thank you", I whisper as she slips back into the hallway, closing my bedroom door behind her. I turn back around to Enjolras stirring on the divan, slowly opening his eyes, wiping them with the back of his hand. "You're up!" I smile and I walk over to him, crouching down beside him so I can look at him. The sight of an only-just-awakened Enjolras is one to behold in all his bedhead glory. He stays laid down as he lets his eyes adjust to the light, and I tenderly brush his hair back out of his eyes.

"Were you watching me sleep?" He asks, still sounding half-asleep.

"...No..." I lie. "Okay...a little..." I blush. "Did you sleep okay?"

"I slept perfectly", he smiles, placing a hand on the side of my face, brushing my cheek with him thumb. "Best night's sleep I've had in a long time...Just being close to you makes it better", he grins a sleepy grin.

"I don't remember going to bed last night –"

"That's because you fell asleep over there", he points to the window seat. "I held you for a bit and let you sleep in my arms, but I knew we couldn't stay there all night and still be on good form for tonight. So...I carried you over there", he points to my bed. "I tucked you in...and you didn't stir at all...and you're really beautiful when you sleep". I can't say anything, and instead my face turns the colour of Enjolras' jacket. "And, I slept on the divan...I didn't think it would be proper for me to sleep in your bed –"

"Thank you, Enjolras!" I can't hold myself back, and I fling my arms around his neck, pulling him into a grateful hug. "Thank you!"

"Woah", I hear him grunt. Perhaps the unexpected and swift hug was too much for him when only just waking up.

"Sorry..." I giggle, releasing him from my grasp. "Thank you for not taking advantage of me..." I say, not really sure how to say what I want to say. "I mean..." I take a deep breath. "It's not something we've spoken about...but...I need to know. I'm really glad that you didn't sleep in my bed last night, because, well, I decided a long time ago that I wanted to wait until I was married to do...that stuff...and so, the first time I share a bed with a man, I want it to be my" I end awkwardly, not really knowing how to finish it. It's not that I'm embarrassed about this particular life choice, but I'm not the most eloquent when it comes to expressing it in words.

"That just makes me love you more, Juliette..." He strokes my cheek. "I love you, and admire you, and respect you...and that is why I did what I did last night..." He smiles warmly. "It's like you read my mind", he grins.

"You're perfect", I beam up at him. "I'm so lucky to have found you..."

" are", he says softly, placing a gentle kiss on my lips. "You're the most perfect person I've ever met..."

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