Chapter Sixty-Three

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Having seen our carriage approaching, Maggie opens the front door expecting just another visitor. But then her eyes meet my own and she stands there in stunned silence, dropping the tray that she had been balancing on her hand as she opened the door with the other. She is in such a state of shock that she doesn't even crouch down to pick the tray back up. And then she rushes towards me and begins to weep as she wraps her arms around me, almost knocking the wind out of me as she buries her head on my shoulder. I can feel her body shaking as she weeps.

"I thought you were dead", she whispers as she sobs. "Thank the Lord you're alive! You've come home!"

"I'm sorry I didn't get word to you sooner", I say as I wipe away her tears.

"Did you reach him? Did you find Enjolras?" She asks, the sheer will for me to tell her that everything is okay apparent in her eyes.

"I did reach him. We were married", I tell her.

"I want to congratulate you...but the tone of your voice instructs me otherwise..." She says, sounding unsure of what to do or say. I shake my head as I try to stop the tears falling from my eyes.

"We were married for one day...He didn't survive..." I explain, trying to hold it together as she hugs me close to her again. And then I feel her stop breathing as she stares wide-eyed over my shoulder. She looks like she's hallucinating, or like she's just seen a ghost. I turn around to follow her gaze. Her eyes have fallen upon Courfeyrac. She opens her mouth to speak, but no words come out.

"My dear Maggie", Courfeyrac manages to utter, looking at her with the same awestruck look that sits on her own face. They rush toward one another, embracing each other, holding on tightly. This is a moment they never thought they'd see – they'd already said their goodbyes. It is a sweet reunion, but I can't help but feel a pang on grief inside. I'm thrilled for them, but part of me grieves that this will never be me. My husband is dead, the love of my life is gone, and we won't have that sweet reunion until I too also face death. Hearing the commotion outside, Auntie comes rushing out.

"Maggie, who was at the – ?!" She begins, and then her eyes meet mine, and she falls silent. "You're home..." She gasps, bringing her hand to her mouth. "Papa!" She shouts louder than I've ever heard her shout before. "Papa! Come quickly!" I wish she hadn't.

"What is this commotion?!" I hear him grumbling as he strides towards the door. "What on earth is going –" It's as if no-one is capable of finishing a sentence today, as he too falls silent. He looks at me as if he's seen someone raised from the dead – which, in his world, I suppose he has.

"She's home..." Auntie whispers, but Grandfather just stares at me.

"Come with me", he says sternly before turning on his heels and heading for his study. I have no choice but to follow, and the knot in my stomach returns tighter than it ever has before. I bend down to look Gavroche in the eyes.

"I won't be long", I assure him, squeezing his hand before letting it go, following my Grandfather to his study as I brace myself for what's to come.

I stand in the middle of his study, waiting for his lecturing to start. But the only sound filling the room is the sound of the clock ticking.

"I'm sorry I was away for so long..." It's hard to say it, but I feel I have to fill the silence and get the ball rolling.

"You promised me, Juliette. You promised me you wouldn't go after your brother!" he starts, not able to mask his anger.

"I'm sorry..."

"You're sorry?! I thought you were dead!!!" He bellows.

"I know. But I had no other choice. I had to go..." I try to explain to him.

"You had to go where?" He looks me straight in the eye.

"To fight alongside my husband", I stare right back at him, determined to stand my ground. I faced a firing squad of army officers – I won't be intimidated by my Grandfather.

"Excuse me?" He splutters.

"I married Enjolras. The night before he died. He was the leader of the revolution, and I fell in love with him. I'm sorry I disappointed you, and went against you, but I loved him like I've never loved anyone else. And now he's gone. So, he won't be a problem for you anymore. You've got me home. The fighting is over. The revolution is over. You got your wish!"

"It was never my wish for him to die...for anyone to die..." He walks toward me, placing a hand on my shoulder in a moment of unexpected tenderness, his eyes full of pain and sympathy for me.

"Well, they did. Courfeyrac and Gavroche survived, and they'll be living with us", I inform him. He opens his mouth to try and protest, but I silence him. "They've been through too much. They have nowhere else to go, and we have plenty of space. I need them around. We need to stay together. We are all each other has left. The boys all died. Enjolras died. Even Marius died. I hate to be the bearer of such news..." A stray tear falls down my cheek, but Grandfather swiftly wipes it away.

"Did nobody tell you?" He looks at me, love and compassion rather than anger radiating from his face. "Your brother came home. Marius is alive!"

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