Chapter Thirty-Eight

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"You remember Courfeyrac, yes?" I ask, gesturing to Courfeyrac who warmly reaches out to shake my Grandfather's hand.

"Yes, my dear boy! My, how you have grown!" Grandfather replies cheerfully as he clasps his hands around Courfeyrac's, seeming more excited than I've seen him in a while.

"It's good to see you again, Monsieur", Courfeyrac respectfully bows his head.

"Well, my son, it's nice to see you and Juliette together again –" Grandfather starts, but Courfeyrac rushes to cut him off, neither of us wanting to bring up our past.

"It's just lovely to be back", Courfeyrac smiles. "Everything looks wonderful. You've really outdone yourself this time, Monsieur".

"Ah, thank you!" Grandfather beams, his eyes twinkling with happiness as he looks around the room, taking in the dazzling scene. But then his eyes fall upon his Grandson. "Ah...Marius..." He says quietly.

"Grandfather..." Marius bows, yet speaks just as quietly as Grandfather, neither of them wanting to make a scene.

"The prodigal returns", Grandfather mutters.

"Grandfather..." I chastise him under my breath. Marius does well to keep his head and not retaliate.

"It's..." Grandfather remembers his manners. "It's good to have you here, my son", he offers a hand to him.

"Thank you", Marius responds civilly, shaking his hand. "May I introduce you to my companion for his evening – my good friend, Eponine", he gestures to the elegant Eponine who hangs on to his arm. I can see in her eyes that it pained her to hear the reaffirmation that she is nothing more than a friend to him even though she is standing there, at his side, hanging on to his arm, wearing a ball gown as she escorts him to a ball in his family home. It was almost like a fairytale, minus the fact that my brother does not return the feelings that she holds for him. And, again, like it has done so many times before, my heart aches for Eponine.

"Mademoiselle", Grandfather bows courteously and kisses her hand. Her heartache briefly turns into a smile as she giggles slightly at being treated in this manner.

"Monsieur", she curtseys. "Thank you for putting on such a beautiful evening!"

"Thank you for coming. After all, what would a beautiful evening be without a beautiful girl to attend it. Isn't that right, Marius?"

"Yes...Grandfather", Marius replies.

"You make a fine pair!" Grandfather manages a smile, and he sounds like he means it.

"Don't you have someone you need to introduce, Juliette?" Marius stares at me as he speaks through gritted teeth, desperate for Grandfather's attention to move from himself and on to me, but Courfeyrac jumps to my rescue, filling in the silence before Grandfather has a chance to pick up on Marius' comment.

"This is my little brother, Gavroche", Courfeyrac ushers Gavroche towards my Grandfather.

"I didn't know you had a brother", Grandfather comments, a slight laugh in his voice. "Such a little man! Pleasure to meet you young man!" Grandfather addresses Gavroche.

"Thank you, Monsieur", Gavroche replies, enunciating each word as he gives a little bow. "It's my pleasure to meet you too!" I look at Courfeyrac out of the corner of my eye, and he does the same, and we exchange a small smirk at this well-spoken Gavroche who had obviously been coached by Courfeyrac concerning what to say and how to act.

"How wonderful! Welcome to the family, my boy!" Grandfather laughs as he ruffles Gavroche's hair. I'm quite taken aback at the difference in Grandfather – it's as if someone has flipped a switch in his brain, making his personality change completely. "He looks just like you, Courfeyrac!" A quiet snort escapes from me at the irony of Grandfather's words. If only he knew that they weren't really related. We fall silent again, and I know that now is the time – I just have to do it. I have to introduce him to Enjolras.

"And..." I take a deep breath as I gently guide my Enjolras towards the attention of my Grandfather. "Marius..." I nod at Marius, being careful to pretend that Marius does not already know Enjolras. "Grandfather..." I look at Grandfather before looking to Enjolras. I take another deep breath. "This is –"

"Enjolras Apollo", Enjolras introduces himself as he steps in to my rescue after noticing my nerves, smiling his signature dazzling smile as he courteously bows his head and offers his hand to my Grandfather.

"Apollo?" I whisper quietly.

"Pleased to meet you", Enjolras carries on.

"Monsieur Apollo", Grandfather shakes his hand, but does so with slight suspicion in his manner and his tone. "I'm glad you could join us".

"Thank you. I'm glad to be here", Enjolras replies, and moves to take his hand back, but Grandfather holds on to it.

"Would I be right in assuming you are the gentleman accompanying my Juliette tonight?" Grandfather keeps hold of Enjolras' hand, this prolonged physical contact making Enjolras feel slightly more awkward. Courfeyrac and Gavroche can do nothing but stare at their interlocked hands.

"Yes, Monsieur, that would be correct", Enjolras answers gently, looking my Grandfather in the eyes.

"I see..." Grandfather replies. "What is it you do? What would your occupation be?"

"A lawyer...of sorts", Enjolras gulps. "I specialise in protecting the rights of the poor".

"A noble occupation", Grandfather nods. "And what are your intentions with my Granddaughter?" Grandfather stares Enjolras down, still not letting go of his hand.

"Grandfather! Have you met Enjolras' cousin, Grantaire?" I blurt, pulling a surprised Grantaire forward by the sleeve of his jacket. "Grantaire is staying with Enjolras while he visits Paris –"

"Your intentions, Monsieur Apollo?" Grandfather repeats sternly, his grip tightening on Enjolras' hand.

"I intend to marry her..."

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