Part 24- Help me, Hunter

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"Hey what happened to my food?"

"I'm sorry, love it's my fault that you dropped it and it spilled on the floor because I got upset" Hunter spoke as he got closer to me, breathing in my scent.

Damn even my heart skipped a beat when he did that shit

".....well it's.... Actually my fault because I didn't want to talk to you but rather push you away... So I'm sorry"

"I love you.." he got out of bed, slipped his jeans on.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to go get my baby some food because she's hungry"

"..aww baby you don't have to do that because I was going to be fine"

"No I'm going to get it " he put his shirt on and jacket as he made his way back to me.

"Babe.. you don'-"

"Love" he said in a 'leave it at that's tone.

He kisses me on the lips but I grab the back of his neck kissing him harder and more passion.

"....mmmhmm.. damn bae" as he spoke I use the chance to slip my tongue in his mouth.

He slaps one of my ass cheeks making me yelp out.

He stands straight, "I love you but have the same passion when I get back, love"

"Alright be safe babe" I blew a kiss his way as he walks out the door.

As I heard his truck drive off I got up to make my way to my closet to grab a pair of clothes as I felt that ache after your first time. I sat my clothes on a shelf in the bathroom and since I'm naked already I turn the water to the right temperature and hop in.

As I was rinsing soap off my body the lights in the house flickered.

"What the.."

The lights flickered again.

Hold up, I know mom payed the light bill

Then the lights completely cut off as well as the water that was raining down on my body.
So I blindly reached for the towel to dry off and slip my clothes on really quickly.
I grabbed my phone that was sitting on the bathroom counter and turned the flashlight on. I flipped the light switch in the bathroom multiple times coming to the conclusion that they weren't going to come back on.

I went out the bathroom flipping switches to see if any would come on in the house but to my luck they wouldn't. Suddenly it was getting chilly in my house. I looked at my phone noticing that it had 4% of battery life left so I turned off the flashlight then Jay's name popped up on my screen as of the ring tone signaling that he's calling. I swiped the green button answering the call.



"Hello Jay, can you hear me?"

"Yeah but Shayla..(static)...I ...(static).. tell you something."

"Jay your breaking up a little bit"

"...(static)... listen. The.....(static) ..might....(static) broken....(static)...carefull..."

"Jay I can't hear you, there's too much static" my heart beat started to pick up speed a little.

"Shayla, someone.....(static)...(static) the house....(static)..-ookout....(static)...on my wa-..(static)..(static)..(static).." I heared my phone make the end call noise and the power off sound right after.

My legs rushed down to tell house phone to dial Jay's number back but when I tried to the cords were cut.

"What the hell?" I whispered

I rushed to look out side the living room window and there were two figures standing out side dressed in black robe with the hold covering there faces in daylight.

Oh shit, someone help me


My heart started to beat faster and my breathing got heavier.

I locked the front and made my way to lock the back door too. I went back to the living room window and the figures doubled outside. I ran up to my room making sure I didn't trip over nothing. Locking the door behind me as i heard a huge crash. It was my window, a huge rock came through it and brokeen glass got all on the floor. The bad part was the note attached to it, it had my name on it. I was scared, these figures knew who I was and the weird part was no one that lives beside me or in front we're not hearing all this racket.

The next thing I know is that the figured disappeared from the ground but the other three were still there, hearing my door creak open one of the figures walk in my bedroom. I looked back towards the ones outside but they were no longer there as they appear right alongside the first figure that walked in my room earlier. They just stood there, not saying a word. The first that was into my room started walking towards me. "Shayla" the figure whispered and then again. A little burst of adrenaline came through my arm because it grabbed the closest thing to me and threw it at the closest figure to me trying to stop him form moving, which was my lamp. The lamp didn't hit him because he moved too fast. I was still incredibly scared because it was crazy how fast my heart was beating. The figure grabbed me by both of my arms and held me still as I tried to struggle to get away.

"Let me go" I tried to yell but my air was leaving me.

Help me Hunter

He lean closer to me and spoke into my ear, "Scaring you is fun though my talent is to kill you ugly humans, but this wasn't the case, I was just supposed to cause trouble like ruff up your house just to have your little mate on his toes but also have him stuck to find out who did this to his mate's house because you won't remember anything to help him" he paused as he took of his hood, his skin was pale and his eyes a dangerous red, he looked me straight in both eyes as he said,"you will forget what just happened here now and sleep" my body fell to the floor as my eyelids covered my eyes, I was asleep.

Love Me Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon