Part 35: Friday 2

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The song Twerk (ft. Cardi B) :by city girls starts playing and the girls in the house start going crazy and the ones who are not in the living, make their to it.

"Oooo Girl, Come on" Janiah grabs my hand pulling to the living, I start gulping my drink down ready for the feeling of it loosing me up.

By the time we make it into the living room it's packed with teenage girls throwing their asses out and dudes behind them enjoying their self. Janiah drags us to the middle of the commotion and somehow I lost my cup on the way.

With the song going, Janiah starts twerking and I do too, with time slowly starting to pass by I start to enjoy myself and nothing matters at the moment or the huge amount of alcohol I drank was kicking in. A few more songs play and the crowd separated me from Janiah but I kept dancing with other bodies grinding on me.

"Hey beautiful, seems like you're having fun" I hear a familiar voice say so I turn in the direction of it.

The face I see was a friendly face I saw when getting my license, Mick.

"Hiiiii! Mick" I yelled too loudly because the guy in front of me gives me a weird look but ignores me as his hands continue to roam my body.

"I got it buddy" Mick slightly pushes the guy in front of me off as Mick takes his place but he doesn't touch me. I grab Mick's hand, "let's get a drink" I drag him towards the kitchen.

I drop his hand and began mixing different alcohol bottles and fruit in a new cup," do you even know what you're doing?" I hear him question behind me. I say Nope popping the P, Mick laughs lightly and pulls out his phone and begins tapping away on his iPhone. I watch his facial features change into a serious all business face while I drink my concoction with the alcohol burning my throat.

"Why the serious face Mick?" I look at him from my cup. He smiles and tucks his phone away. "You're drunk Missy" he grabs my waist and pulls me close, our faces inches from each other.

"Shay" I whipped my head to the side in the direction of my name being called and I see Beania emerge from the crowded living and stumbles her way towards me.

"Heyyyyy Bitchhhh, what are (hiccup insert here) doooing" she stretches her words and totally drunk like me. I get out of Mick's hold and wobble my way to her and grabbing hold of her waist and some how we lose balance and we fall to the floor with a few heads turned our way. Mick walks over and reaches his hand out to help me up and hands me my cup of alcohol, I hear a loud gasp beside me as I got up.

"Mick?" I looked to Beania as her eyes are set on the guy in front of me, her mouth turns into a huge smile as she hops up from the ground and jumps into Mick's arms yelling You're here.

"You're so sexy" she grabs his face and plants a harsh long kiss on his lips and they begin to make out, they make their way to the kitchen counter and he sets her down on it and they continue to make out.

Mmm I want my baby

I pull out my phone from my crossover purse and look at the message that was sent.

Brother : I'm not coming home tonight, hope you have your keys.

I dig in my purse and to find my keys are indeed missing, I groan.

I'm totally drunk and I think I'm ready to leave this cramped up house

I looked to my side and see Beania sticking her tongue down Mick's throat.

I don't think she is ready to leave and I don't know where Janiah went.

I go back to my phone, scroll to Hunter's contact and click it. The phone rings twice before a husky deep voice answers.

"Hello?" He says

Damn he sounds sexy

"Babbbbyyyy Can (hiccup) you hear (hiccup) meeee?" I kind of struggle to say in the phone with the hiccups inserting when they felt like it

"Babe you sound drunk, where are you? I'm coming to get you"I hear shuffling from the other side of the phone.

"I'm at a Partyy (hiccup)yyyy and (hiccup) having fuuunn"


She giggles in the phone as I have her on speaker, I struggle to put my jeans on and hoodie with my shoes.

"I'll be dancing okayyyy baby" she laughs and hangs up the phone, I groan as I grab my keys, phone and wallet off the dresser and look at the clock, 1:53 am. I shake my head, she's probably at that party everyone has been talking about.

She drunk and at a party with DUDES probably grinding and touching over what's MINE

Mark- why didn't she tell us she was going to a party

I don't know but let me hurry and get to her

I head down stairs rushing to get to my car and walk by the kitchen but then I hear a where are you going so I turn around and walk into the kitchen.

"What" I say to the man leaning against the counter with a mug.

"Boy watch your tone and where you headed to this late at night" I glare at him.

"Nun of your business" I snap at him

He scoffs " from the looks of it, you're rushing to get something or pick someone up"

"I'm picking Shayla up from somewhere" I look elsewhere, " now I would like to get to her" I say as I start to walk off.

"Hmph probably somewhere drunk and whoring around" he comments. I whip my head in his direction so fast.

"Excuse me, What the fuck is your problem?!" I glare daggers and ready to pounce on him any second as my blood boils.

"My problem is your second mate is a another failure just useless like the other" he glares back.

"My mate is not a failure or any other bullshit you think she is" I fire at him.

"She is. Your first mate left you for a fucking bloodsucker and this one is fat, slow, weak, and human," he counts on his fingers and continues," what good is she than a weak bitch or an 'okay' fuck for you" I launch at the bastard speaking bullshit about my love.

He is pushed to another counter and his mug make contact with the ground. We are stubble to the ground and I get on top, landing blow after blow to his face, he tries to throw blows towards my face but I move my body up and have my knees on his arms and land more blows to his face. He raises his legs up , wrap them in front of me and they pushed me back to the ground as he climbs on top and deals a hard blow to my jaw.

"Robert, Stop!" I hear my mom yell and the bastard pauses, I push him off me and get up, I stall towards the kitchen exit.

"Baby" my mom tries to grab me but I Dodge her and storm out the kitchen, to the garage and hop into the truck. I looked into the mirror and see it's a red spot where the bastard punched me and I know it's going to be a bad bruise but that bastard has it way worse. I pull out the garage and into the streets going to a party looking for my girlfriend.

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