Chapter Twenty-one

Start from the beginning

Tamara climbed off the bed and stood with her naked body in front of him, shimming her way between his legs as she eyed his erection. "But I don't want to anticipate. I want you now. And you want me."

"Darlin', I'm always going to want you. You're like a drug," he said, kissing her abdomen before standing up. "But today, we're going to spend some time out of the room. I have plans you see."

Turning, she wandered over to the chair that held her clothes, giving an extra little wiggle of her bare behind. Damn. She's one sexy woman. Bending down, she grabbed her socks out of her shoes, giving him a glimpse of the one area he so desperately wanted to take.

Clearing his throat, he got up and turned his back on her. If he didn't do something fast, he wasn't going to have the willpower to follow through with his plans. His hands were itching to touch her, to pull her towards him and ease her onto his cock.

She giggled, knowing full well the effect she was having on him. But he was made of sterner stuff and refused to give in. They had their whole lives to spend in the sack, but they weren't going to be on this boat forever. He was beginning to see, though, how married people often wound up pregnant after their honeymoon. Distracting himself, he pulled on his clothes and finished getting ready and fought hard not to turn and look at her. The woman could grace the cover of any magazine and get all the boys drooling.

When he had heard from Caleb he'd been surprised that she wasn't scooped up yet. He'd been certain that she was taken or maybe that was just his way of protecting his heart. After his father turned on him, his ability to trust anyone was limited. But his love for his daughter grew like a tender plant, covering his wounds. They were still there, but so was his ability to love. Trust was a little more difficult, but he was working on it.

Slipping on his shoes, he stood up and turned to face his radiant wife. "You re—" His words were swallowed by his own drool. She was standing there in her hot bikini and high heels.

A knowing, temptress smile spread across her lips. "You were saying?"

He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand before trying again. "Clothes, now." He said, his voice cracking as he threw a shirt at her, making it land on her head. With his hands free, he clenched and unclenched his fingers. This was going to be a very uncomfortable day. His erection strained against his pants, barely contained by his swimming suit underneath.

"If I go along with your plans, what's in it for me?" she asked, cocking her hip to one side with her hand resting on it.

Logan took a deep breath and struggled to put even two words together as his eyes roamed her body. She had a sexy hourglass figure, toned to perfection. A slight six pack lined her stomach. That wasn't something you often saw on a woman.

"Maybe today will be the day I let you tie me up?" he said with a nervous grin. At this point, he'd say anything just to get her to cover up because he was already ready to burst—the point of no return. And it was all due to the friction of his clothes and her hot take-me-now body. "But only if you get dressed."

Her eyes widened and she wobbled slightly, making him grin. He knew that would get her juices flowing. But the thought was enough to make him shrink a little in the manhood department and get some of his circulation back. He wasn't too fond of the idea, but he knew she wanted to, just like they used to before.

Standing tall, Tamara crossed her arms, pushing her breasts up slightly. "Why don't I believe you?"

With all the strength and courage he could muster, he said, "I guess you won't find out if we don't go!"

She looked like she wanted to stop her foot and fight, but reluctantly, she finished getting dressed without another word. This time, she chose a more reliable pair of shoes—her runners. But her clothes were still sending an electric tingle through his body.

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