25. To the love of my life

Start from the beginning

"Shut up," Rory said smiling as Logan kissed her hand. "Shit! What time is it?"

Logan looked at his watch, "2.57, why?"

"Shit, shit, shit, I have to be there in three minutes," she cursed. "Hand me that top over there!"

"The blue one?" Logan asked looking on the bed where her clothes were strewn.

"Yes," she replied quickly.

She threw the shirt over her head and grabbed the brown belt off the back of the chair, wrapped it around her waist as she stepped into her matching flats and gave her hair a quick brush

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She threw the shirt over her head and grabbed the brown belt off the back of the chair, wrapped it around her waist as she stepped into her matching flats and gave her hair a quick brush. Grabbing her purse she ran out the door and into the elevator as Logan trailed behind her. In the elevator, she looked in the mirror and grabbed a lipgloss out of her bag. When she was done applying she asked if she looked okay.

"You look amazing," Logan told her.


"Oh em gee, can you please sign my book? You are totes amazing," a girl said excitedly.

Rory smiled at the girl, "of course, what's your name, honey?" she asked and took the book from the girl.

"Davina," she smiled brightly.

"That's a very pretty name," Rory told her as she turned the cover and wrote something down. "Here you go,"

"Thank you!" she exclaimed and hobbled over to her parents.

Rory looked at her family at the side while the next person came up the small stage and she saw her husband's jaw clench, although he tried to hide it.

"I knew you could do it, Doogie."

Rory whipped her head around, "Jess!"

"The one and only," he said.

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

"I missed you in Philly so I thought I would come here," he told her.

"It's been a while," she said.

"Luke and Lorelai's wedding I believe," he said.

"Where have you been?"

"Here, there, everywhere and nowhere at all," he told her.

"Want me to sign your copy?" she asked, honestly wanting the conversation to be over.

Jess handed her his copy, while she signed it he looked over to the side where she had been looking before, "Don't tell me you are dating that blond dick again."

"Actually we're married and have three kids and a fourth one on the way. And he's not a dick," she said getting worked up. She handed him his book back.

"Are you serious, Rory? That pompous prick? We used to make fun of guys like him," he said.

"Go, Jess," she told him firmly.

"He's not right for you, Rory,"

"Oh, that's rich! And who is right for me, Jess? You?" she said angrily.

"Maybe, yes," he said defensively.

"Go away, Jess!"


"No, Jess, I want you to go, now!" she started to get emotional. Why did he always do this?

"I love you, Rory!"

"I think my daughter told you to go, young man," Mitchum said forcefully.

"Oh, goody, grandpa joins the conversation," Jess deadpanned.

"Jess!" Rory yelled. "Just go, okay! You've done enough!"

Jess stood up angrily, "Goodbye, Rory." And with that, he was out the door.


"Are you okay, Ace?" Logan asked after they put the kids to bed that night.

"Yes, I'm fine, honey," Rory answered. "I just wasn't expecting him, and the hormones went in overdrive."

"Dad was really mad," Logan chuckled.

Rory laughed, "oh, yeah. I think he mumbled 'nobody messes with my daughter' under his breath after he walked out."

"He's really protective of you," Logan said.

"You don't have to say that twice, it's nice though," Rory said. "Hey, I got you something."

She got out of bed and began to go through her purse, pulling out a copy of her book.

"Close your eyes. And no peeking."

She walked back and gave Logan a kiss on his lips, she held up the book, "Okay, open them."

"You know I already have your book, right?"

"And this is that one. I took it from your bookcase at home," she smiled.

"Why?" He asked.

"Look inside."

He opened the cover.

To the love of my life. XOXO your wife❤💕

"I love you, Ace."

"And I love you, master and commander," Rory smirked suggestively.

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