Chapter 45

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** Dedicated to BarelyQueen and -symphonic .. They've always been avid readers and supporters of this book and its what keeps me writing. Thank you.. 😊**

Alyssa Pov
    So many assumptions and theories are made about what happens when we die . Some say condemnation to hell for our sins, judged by our creator, purgatory,  sent to an empty, dull void of nothingness, returned to the dust from which we came or that our life, our past, our memories our secrets flashes before our eyes like a movie. I saw it just as that, a movie flickering before my eyes.

   I saw my memories of me as a child, my dance recitals, my first bike. Then I saw my teen years, my hurt at not shifting, the bullying from everyone because of my difference to them. I saw the inferiority I felt at their words, their actions. I saw the times i threw away with my mom and my family as I hid in plain sight. My regrets all scoured the screen ; lost friends, lost chances. Sarah appeared so many times, always supporting me, fighting for me. She always reminded me that I was strong, maybe not werewolf compared but the kind that no werewolf like Natalie had, heart.

     Evan then appeared. The love he tried so hard to convey to me but I pushed him away. The genuinity he had for me even though I was unshifted. It was a pure kind of adoration, you couldn't get anywhere else. I saw the moments we shared, the chances to show him how much I did care blend into a black screen. As grief and sorrow swallowed me up, I felt a jolt within my soul. It was more powerful than the mate's bond, electrifying every inch of my body.

    Had I forgotten who I was? Evan's groans broke my thoughts, his pain the singular thing, I couldn't bear. A cry was then heard, a sound of a baby's voice filled the air. My son. My body felt as if it were on fire. The cries got louder, blood curdling almost, Evan's groans drumming along it. Sweath poured down my face, my surroundings were like a red void, empty but full enough to make me clustered. Then, a few feet away,  a figure was walking towards me, blurry but a very predominant head of red hair stood out. Red hair?

     I could barely process my thoughts well enough while all this pain engorged my body. Then as I looked back up, there the person I was. It was the same woman from my dreams.

" My my my, you really have turned into such a beauty just as I'd predicted. I'll tell you more about myself as I can expect you're curious just as your mother used to be but right now, your mate needs you, we all need you. You must stand up now, Mother Moon has gifted you for more than you know. Release your beast, release it on them, let them taste your fire and learn of what it means to be burnt by a guardian.

  Her words were like those of a warrior going to war, motivating her men to win against the enemy , to conquer, to kill. The energy she gave off was as fiery as her hair and inturn riled me up. I needed to remember myself, my purpose, my wolf.

      I pushed myself up from my lying position. Flames surrounded my body, a small burn tainted my skin but the more I pushed against it, the less it hurt.

" Close your eyes and return. I will see you soon." With those words, I obeyed and found myself in front of Arvette. The only different was the frozen position she held. She was alive, breathing erratically but unmoving. Then I noticed the surrounding trees and bushes burnt to a crisp. Evan was on the forest floor, unconscious but alive. I could hear his heartbeat. The sound calmed me but also angered me to know that I may not have been able to hear that sound if she had her way with him.

     As to why the trees were burnt, I couldn't tell. It wasn't Arvette's doing since she was in shock and looked at me with fear. Before I could further assess anything,I felt a large hand pulled my body to the ground. As I looked up for my attacker, I saw Theos. How could I forget the pompous fool? He kicked me in my chest, my lungs choked on air at the impact. Theos made another move to hit me but I ducked and in a very common saying, 'blink of an eye' I made back on my feet.

   The blow he delivered definitely hurt and it pissed me off more. Looking at him made my boil over and beyond. The rage clouded my mind it was if all I saw was red.

" Didn't your mother ever teach you to never hit a lady, but then again, you probably don't know what one looks like since you've been with Dear old Granny Arvette." I said to.him. Wait, where did that come from? I never am the type to be so insultive with words. I can barely come up with a cheap diss.

" Never speak of my mother in that disgusting pit you call a mouth. I'll make sure to punish you well enough for that mouth of yours after we returm home,mate." He spat out.
We began to circle each other as if in a fight stance. I heard a rustling behind me and picked up on the fact that Arvette was digging through her bag for something. I wasn't about to wait and find out what she kept in her bag of tricks.

    I began to step in her direction slowly without hinting to either of my attackers when I heard a voice in my head say,
" Lift your palms to her, focus your rage onto her. Imagine red balls of energy around her and imagine them, burning. " the voice was  female but also unfamiliar, not Ziya or anyone I'd encountered before. I did feel as if I could trust it though as  if I knew them all my life. I did as they said.

      I kept my eyes on Theos and raised my hand to her. They didn't seem alarmed by my action so I continued. The vision of red balls of energy became so real that I thought It was really there. Little did I realise that what I saw was not imaginary.

   The red spheres floated around her and they both halted. Arvette seemed petrified at it but Theos, in awe?

   " My child will indeed be a great beast. If you're lucky, I may impregnate you more than once. An army of such beings will surely bring all realms to their knees." Theos said unexpectedly. Arvette grumbled at his comment. I, on the other hand, lost it. I moved my palm towards him and the orbs surrounded him instead. He didn't seem as amused as before.

" I told you, I am not your mate!! Never was and never will be. I will bear no child of yours ever! Beings of you are the epitomè of disgusting, cruel and evil!  You will never have me and never have my child!" I shouted at him. My emotions were at all time high and it seemed to be transferred through whatever abilities I was harnessing.

     The spheres of red energy got brighter and flames licked out fron their surface, Theos became worried at my abilities and tried to run. In an instant, a wave of energy was emitted from my rage and anger and blasted through Theos. His body was burnt in place. All that remained were the ashes that blew in the air, renouncing his very existence. Dust to dust they say and ashes to ashes for some, theos tasted one part of his lingering punishment .

     I was surprised to say the very least at what I was able to  do but that moment of amazement died out as quickly did Theos. Arvette let out a blood curdling scream. Her eyes shifted colour and out of nowhere she pulled out a silver dagger and came towards me. I reacted too late as I came down from that power trip. My body was exhausted from exhilirating so much energy from me and she landed right on me.

      We fought between each other as she tried to lodge the blade into me. Although she was no physical match to my newfound wolf strength, I was drained to the likeness of an unshifted, weak wolf. I struggled with her,to keep the blade from me but she was at an advantage. As our tussel ensued on the forest floor, I saw Evans getting up from his unconscious state to be met by his beta, Kevin who came from some nearby bushes in wolf form. He helped him up and as our eyes met, I lost focus and Arvette got the silver dagger into my abdomen. The pain, was all I knew. I screamed out in agony as all I could see from my weakened vision was Evans shouting out to me and running over to my side. Arvette was no longer on me and  it seemed Kevin went in search of her.

    His eyes were swimming with hurt and regret. I wanted to tell him, I loved him and that it wasn't his fault. I wanted him to know so many things but my body couldn't hold up. Those watery eyes and the distant, faded shouting was all I saw before darkness dragged me away.

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