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   "Good morning Mr and Mrs. Peters.I wish our conversation would have been over much more pleasant talk but we have a problem." I say as I stare at the wide screen monitor in my conference room of my pack house.

"Alpha Evans what have you done to our daughter?  Where is Alyssa? We would like to speak with her. She hasn't been taking any of our calls or texts this past few days. " Her father shouts at me through the screen. Had it been anyone else talking to me but my mate's father, I would for sure take a plane to him and rip his throat out. However I knew he was worried for her , especially being mated to me,  but he didn't know that there was more to her being M.i.a. 

" Beta Peters. It has to do with your daughter. She's missing!" I try to continue but her mother let out a yelp in disbelief and started to cry.

"What have you done to her you monster?!" She shouts at me. Thankfully, mymate wasn't as hysterical as her mother. 

"I've done nothing Mrs.Peters. As you may have heard , a few packs have had frequent instances with 'rogues' passing across territories, yours included. However mines was the only attacked. They demanded me to surrender the white wolf but none of my pack members are such. As a result many of my people were killed. " 

"What does that have to do with my daughter missing?'" her father asks. 

"Everything. She ran away after the second attack and was captured by presumably them. These attacks only began after her arrival here. We assumed they took her for leverage but it didn't explain why she would run away. I know you think it had something to do with me but I promise you on my pack members' lives that we had no issue. My character is very flawed in teh eyes of everyone and this is what keeps my pack the most powerful but with her, I am different. We were getting somewhere in our relationship and then she just dissappeared. I'm sure if she kept contact with you all, had she been unhappy or scared, would have told you knowing that you'd come to her rescue. My assumptions are that Alyssa knew something about the white wolf or as my beta's theorized, she was the white wolf. " I say whilst looking down at my hands, expecting another sobbing outburst from her mother. Silence filled the air, no one spoke. As I looked up at the screen, I saw her mother staring off to the side, lost away. She knew something. 

"Is everything okay Mrs.Peters?" I ask, interested in her unusual change of behaviour.She looked up, as all eyes were on her. 

" Honey, What's wrong? Do you know something?" her husband asks her.She hesitantly looks back at the screen and speaks.

"The white wolf, a guardian wolf sent by the Moon Godess to protect each generation. I have heard the story many times as a child. My mother would tell me it everynight before she was killed. I remember it to this day. She's just put me to sleep and headed back to my parents room. It was late and I'd finally dozed away when shouting and the breaking of the glass windows woke me up. We were living in a pack so burgulars were highly unlikely so I assumed we were being attacked. I rushed to my parents room but it was empty, so was my older brother's room. I heard screaming come from downstairs and as I headed there, the sight, it-it still haunts me. My brother and mother were on the floor , throats slit and my father hung onto their dying bodies, crying. He fought off the attackers but couldn't save them. No one knew why they would attack simple omega wolves who had no ill connections or wrong doings. We were the only ones attacked that night. Funnily enough, my mother never shifted in front of anyone in the pack but once I did see her in the forest with my father when I snuck away. She was covered in the most beautiful white, pure fur. After their deaths, that story played over and over i my head. I'd never told anyone before. " she finished by saying. 

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