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      I woke up from an uncomfortable sleep, my hands aching, my neck paining. I sized up my surroundings once more and remembered where I was, in my kidnapper's lair. Lair may have been an inaccuarate word to describe the well-furnished and clean room. It was still a lair, it wasn't my room back at Evan's home, nor my room at my parent's. I couldn't tell what time it was or even how long it had been since my uneasy moment with my kidnapper. I was still glad, nothing more came of it but I was curious as to why my mate's name disturbed him so much. Frankly, it disturbed many people, but someone that was brave enough to kidnap his mate must've been unaffected by his dememour. However, this one seemed ill-informed. 

    My mind drifted onto Ziya. It been so long since I'd blocked her out, I felt a tinge of her whenever I was distressed, or scared, her spirit fighting to breakthrough. I still doubted her abilities, "wolves" like us were not fighters and I wasn't gonna pretend to be one either. It would have been nice to have someone familar break the unsettling silence with but I couldn't risk it. I felt like this was my choice and she didn't have to bear it with me.Besides, she might have filled my head with so many escape schemes that my nerves would be wrecked. Escape schemes sounded enticing especially being stuck here , tied up for so long but even if I heard her out, I couldn't pull it off. I wasn't no full-fledged wolf or even a physical wolf, just one with a spiritual being to make me feel less weird and outsider liek from my kind.

       Whilst having various stupid arguments with myself, I heard the door knob jiggle, then it flew open, slamming against the wall. I expected the big bad, wolf guy but was surprised to see teh little old hermit like lady. She wore a black, long-sleeved dress that dragged across the floor. Her fully covered , silver hair pulled into a low bun to reveal her aged face. Wrinkles, silked her facial structure, crimpling at her eyes when she squinted, at her cheek where her thin, pale lips was pulled into a flat sneer, along her neck, that bobbed as she gulped down. I looked a her, her golden brown eyes, with gold flecks examing my lying body. She glided walking over, her feet moving silently against the wooden floors. The woman stopped a few inches away from my body and held out hertwo hands. I was apprehensive as she neared me , her hands outstretched to touch me. 

"Hey, please Who are you? What are you doing? Don't touch me." I managed to say as she ignored my questions and her cold, rough hands, rested at each sides of my temple. I tried to squirm out of her hold, but she held me firm, with unusual strength . Then she brought her face close to mines, her eyes shut. Oh no, was she going to kiss me? 

"EW! please don't kiss me , no judgements but I am not into ladies especially older ones, please gosh get off me !" I shouted at her. She remained unaffected, her face edging closer until our foreheads touched. At the moment, our skins collided, I felt a jolt of some sort rush through me , nothing like the mate's pull but something still, electrifying in an unpleasant way. She began to mumble something, too incoherent for me to understand. Once she stopped, her eyes opened staring into mines. Her sneer turned into a smirk and she released me face, keeping our forheads touching, and then snapped her fingers. All I could see was darkness. Did she knock me out, put me to sleep? The only way she could do that, was if she was some sort of, Witch! A witch? unbelievable. Then again, had you told me things like Guardian wolves existed, I may ahve thought the same. Was it possible? 

     Then it dawned on me, did that lady put me to sleep? I couldn't see anything, neither could I feel my physical body, so I had to be but how could I still be unconsciously thinking? Was I dreaming so soon? Before, I could answer myself, I heard Ziya's voice, in between her calling me was agonizing whines as if in pain. I tried to call out to her, unblocking our link, but she didn't answer. It wasn't like her, nor,mally I would expect her to be relieved of being back in contact with me . I then saw a bright ball of light resembling some sort of energy form floating towards me. It didn't scare me as I'd thought, it instead sent calming vibrations my way. I felt soothed by it, relaxed, drowsy. Although I couldn't see anythingelse and was sure, I was already asleep physically, a spiritual sleep overtook me, knocking out my senses. 

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