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              The drive out of my territory was quiet, not a single cough, sneeze, nothing. Alpha Evans never even spoke to me. I noticed that there was one SUV in front of us and the other following. This was some seriously weird Presidential type security protocol. I stared out the car as the once bustling highway became just  a lane lit up by a few straggling cars. Not too long later, we exited the freeway and took some turns through a densely forested area, all with suspiciously well-paved roads. It was dark out and nothing a creature stirred in the trees as we passed by. Where were we going? Was he going to kill me here? My ridiculous paranoid mind had me nervous. Alpha Evans seemed to notice my uneasiness and spoke , " We are going to an airstrip that will take us to my pack." I looked at him, confused, only to be assured when the car came to a stop and I looked out. Before us, was a large metal gate.                                                                                                 A guard came out and opened the gates, bowing his head as we passed him. We pulled up to a small concrete building. Alpha Evans nodded to me as if reading my mind if this was our stop. I got out, grabbing my travel bag. The cold, night air sweeped across my body making me shiver. Alpha Evans noticed and placed his coat over my shoulders. I was about to refuse but the warmth hushed me. I wasn't equipped to fit the cold weather as a shifted wolf would be so I obliged. We walked along the side of the building coming across to ofcourse, a landing strip. There before my eyes was a white private jet, too small to be a commercial airline, but too big to be considered a regular private jet. I was in awe and I'm sure Alpha Evans noticed as he chuckled lightly behind me at my reaction. A set of stairs led to the entrance of the jet. I walked up and came to the doorway where I was greeted by a woman dressed in a navy blue shirt and black skirt with her hair in a neatly done bun.She was so beautiful, her pale flawless skin accentuated by her blue eyes. " Welcome, Alpha , Luna." she spoke eloquently. " Thanks, but it's just Alyssa." I replied.                                                                                                                                                                            As I entered the inside, I was beyond flabergasted. The flooring was covered in a dark blue carpet, the walls were blindedly white, black, leather seats stood on on side and the oppsite end was a small mini bar/coffee area. Behind that was a seating area with white cushioned seats and a marble top table. Above us hung a beautiful, large chandelier decorated with intricate diamond designs. It was unlike anything I had seen before. I had never travelled out of my pack but the ones on TV resembled this in no way. I assumed this was our quarters but was soon told by Alpha Evans to follow him through the doorway at the back of the area. This section was far more personal, almost catered to someone's liking, no surprise there. The floor was covered in grey carpet, dark blue walls, and ofcourse another Chandelier, much bigger and stunning though. Who did this guy think he was? His taste was definitely unique and I didn't mind but how in the world did a chandelier end up in a jet? Was that even a sensible design ? At the side of the suite was two sofa-like recliners, black and facing each other. There was another bar/coffee area at the back of that that rivalled the one before. The white marble counters and black cabinets complimented each other. A small glass cupboard held various glasswares and wine glasses, ofcourse with the other shelf stocked with wine bottles. Another held different kinds of whiskey and cigars. How old was he? I looked to the opposite side and saw a huge dark oak desk and plush chair with a lamp upon it and some paperwork neatly stacked. There was also a small seating area behind it, holding four chairs against a dark oak table. It was classy and really did reflect him in some ways, dark and bold, classy and strange. I noticed two doors at the back, both also dark oak in colour. One had the word, 'washroom' engraved in golden letters, and the other bare. " What's that door to?" I asked him, pointing towards the un-named door. He instructed me to follow him. He pushed the door open to a master bedroom. The floor was covered in a white carpet, the ceiling black and the lights dimmed. There in the middle of the room was a king-sized bed with silky-black covers upon it. The furniture was all black and the blood-red walls complimented it well. The room didn't seem like a room made for 'just sleeping'. Everything just gave off a sexual vibe. It was beautiful but I had to get out , I could just feel his stare on my back.                                                                                                                                                                     I returned to the area that we would be staying at sat down on the recliner. I heard a voice over the audio system say, "Alpha, Luna, we will begin our ascend now. Please fasten your seatbelts.Thank you." It was the woman who greeted us. I quickly did so, but I noticed Alpha Evans didn't do that. "Alpha Evans, aren't you fastening your seatbelts?" I asked him, " I don't need those Darling ans it's Evan to you, please." he replied with a sly smirk as he reclined himself back, resting his hands on his lap. I guess someone feels like being cocky. I rolled my eyes at him and I heard him laugh. He did have a sweet laugh. I focused on the darkness below as the plane took off. I tried to distract myself as my nerves were already going ballistic at the thought of being on a plane for the first time. Even though it was technically a jet, I was still at a higher altitude than the top of my house and it freaked me out on the inside. " Are you okay?" Evan asked. " Oh yeah, sure thing just my first time flying, that's all." I answered trying to appear calm and collected. He must've sensed my uneasiness and got up and headed over to the coffee station.  Moments later, I felt him nudge me gently and handed me a cup of coffee. The aroma was so intoxicating, I loved coffee but it had the opposite effect on me, making me sleepy.I took it without hesitation, "Thanks , " I murmered to him. " It will soothe your nerves and calm you down." He said to me . I blew it gently and took a sip, feeling the warm liquid slip down my throat. It was the best coffee I ever had, not too sweet and the right amount of bitterness. I wanted to compliment him on it but I didn't want his ego to grow so I didn't. A couple sips later, I was finished. I rested back on the recliner staring ouside the window. Sleep came over me before I knew it. 

             There she stood, in the dark of  night in the same clearing in the woods from my previous  dreams. Her white fur gleaming under the moonlight. It was Ziya. I had to know what happened last night. It didn't make any sense to me . " Ziya! What happened last night? Why did you submit to that wolf? Who was he?" I asked her. She stared at me intently, never breaking her gaze. There was a certain fire that stood out in her, a change in her usual persona. She looked to the floor and then I heard her voice in my head, " Alyssa, I'm sorry but what is done , had to be , or else the prophecy will cease to exist. You were going to reject him, I couldn't let you." she said softly with an almost guilty voice. "What do you mean? What did you do Ziya?" I asked once more. "I let our mate mark us."

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