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       After speaking to Alyssa, i just had to get out of there. The tension was so much as she held my hand when i questioned her about the 'Natasha' situation. It was obvious it bothered her but she didn't want to talk about it, insisting that I leave it be. She must not know me well, that i never leave any stone unturned. I will find out, but for now I'm more focused on us. When she touched me though, as my wolf was getting angry at the thought of someone hurting our mate, I was surprised at how much relaxed i became. Everything stopped, and all i could hear was her sweet voice, one that sounded like the finest notes ever played, the most beautiful music to my ears. I was focused on her plump, delicious lips moving, wishing i could kiss them, taste them. I was pulled out of my thoughts when she finished speaking and so i bid her farewell for the night and left. I'd be leaving with her tomorrow. I hoped i could sleep tonight, that i could control myself.


       I was back at my house, as my mother helped me to bed. My brother and father returned to the festivites as a sign of respect to the Alpha but my mom stayed with me. I'd texted Sarah everything on my drive home, but got no reply. Maybe it was the time zone difference or something as she was living in Iceland with her Alpha mate. That's why she wasn't at the gala tonight, this was a gala to unite only the packs within America, another would be held for the international packs.As I looked through my phone , lying in bed, my mother cleared her throat, obviously trying to get my attention.                                                                                                                                      " Honey, I know you've had a very hectic night but I just wanted to speak to you while I had the chance." she softly spoke, " I knew that eventually you would have found your mate but to say that i wasn't surprised at who you got paired with by the Moon Goddess would be a lie. You may not know about him, but he is a vile Alpha. Besides being the most powerful, he is the most feared. There hasn't been a war he hasn't won and his wolf army is one that can't be rivalled with. His practices are very violent, very gruesome and there hasn't been a rogue that has lived to tell about his torturing ways. I'm surprised he got a mate but I am sorry that it is you. I don't want you to go with him, my dear, you're my only daughter and my light of my life. A man like that can't fathom love to anyone but maybe desire  as it could be that's all he sees in you, the bearer of an heir. If you don't want to go, you can say no. I can speak to our Alpha, I'm certain he will fight for your honour even though Alpha Evans has a strong pack." she finished with glassy eyes and a quivering mouth as she held back her emotions.                                                                                           I looked at her and thought about it. I really didn't know this about him besides him being powerful but power does come with its unfortunate perks. He never showed that side to me , but maybe he would rather have me willingly submit to him than forced. I knew love was a far throw for us so quickly even though a connection wa made, but did I know what I was getting myself into?I could never stand up to man of such character, What will happen when i reached his pack? Would his heart change towards me and his whole facade melt away? I was never a risk taker, I was always precautious and this choice I had made wasn't thought out well, probably clouded by the mate's bond. I was so focused on what Ziya said that I neevr considered what I  was doing. I had to change my decision. Now that I was away from him, I could think better, without his gorgeous face, his defined muscles pushing at his shirt wanting to burst out, those lips , those fiery eyes, his hair inviting me to run my fingers through them. Wait, wait, i was completely off track, he was affecting me even at a distance. This was becoming too much. I turned my focus back to my mom who was looking at me weirdly at my lost state,and silent response.                                                                                                                                                       " Mom, I-I um will talk to you in the morning. I want to just think over everything. " I said to her, hoping she would understand. " Okay dear,I really hope you make the right decsion, get some rest. Good night, I love you." She said as she kissed my forehead and left my room. I lay there staring at my wall covered in covered in posters of my favourite bands and actors. I lost track of time and was out before I knew it.

          Two wolves stood before me in the dead of night in a clearing. One was black, so black he almost blended into the darkness if it weren't for his blazing, red eyes, like a wild fire burning, illuminating him. It was a male wolf by his huge size towering over and his alpha dominance that could be sensed miles away. The other, was white , pure and looked just like, Ziya. When she looked to me, I saw her grey eyes glistening, it was her! They almost looked like sin and purity staring at each other, so opposite but attracting each other. She began to throt towards the other wolf and with only a few inches away she dropped down in submittance, showing him her neck. I knew what that meant,and i shouted at her, " No! Ziya!! Don't do it! " She ignored my pleas and the Alpha wolf approached her and crouched down to her level,where they were only a breath away. He looked at me for a moment, sending shivers down my spine, my pores raised at his stare and he looked at him, as if almost relishing the moment, almost smiling at me and then he did it. He sunk his dagger-like canines into her neck, blood spilled onto her untainted fur, and her low gratifying howl was heard. He released her and assumed his dominating stance. He had marked her, whoever he was. 



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