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              I couldn't sleep. I tossed and turned all night. The very thought that my maye was found but not near me had my wolf restless. Cairo, was relentless to have her. He sensed something within her , something beyond our bond. She hadn't shifted so it couldn't be her wolf. The Red Moon's pack offered us a guest house as did they to the other packs visiting. The bed was comfortable but it served no sleep to me . My phone read: 2am.I suddenly got this weird feeling coming over me , like a warm mist, engulfing my senses, my mate's scent lingered in it. I felt my eyes dip before I could get out of bed, something overcame and I was drowning in a deep sleep.  The next morning, I was awoken by knocks on my door, " Alpha, the Red Moon Pack's alpha would like a meeting with you before your departure." My beta Kevin alerted me . I sleepily reponded, " I'll see him in his office in an hour.I rested back onto the bed wondering what happened to me last night? Was it a dream? One thing was for sure, I felt different. Something had changed within me , I felt a deeper sense of connection to something, my mate! I already had a partial bond to her but we were not yet mated so it wouldn't be that strong but yet it felt like a yearning for her, a need to protect her , to have her with me all the time, a feeling of anger then surfaced at the thought of her hurt, it raged through me, Cairo! Did something happen to me last night? Did Cairo take control of me? It wasn't possible.


       I woke up in a fit, covered in sweat as if I'd run miles, exhausted. My throat was parched, my body weakened, my breathing was heavy and paced quickly. I was having a panic attack. I rolled off my bed , trying to get to the door but my body wouldn't let me. I used whatever energy that resided within me and cried out for my mom. Luckily, she was close and came running in, " Oh my God, Alyssa! Zaric!! Bring me some water and Lysaa's meds from the cabinet! Hurry!!" she shouted and I had the heavy footsteps of my dad on the staircase. She held my body and encouraged me to calm down, to take a few deep breaths, and slowly exhale. My mom did this until my dad came storming into the room, looking frantic and worried. My mom took the two capsules and motioned for me to open my mouth, i swallowed it , tasting the horrile placcid, bitter taste and soon washed it away with the cool, water that saturated  along my throat, giving me a sense of relief. I eventually caught my breath and sat up on the floor. " What happened? It's been almost 1 year since you've had an attack like that, Are you okay?" She asked looking me over. My dad just stood there, obviously shocked aswell. 

         I usually had these episodes when I was a bit younger.It started when Natasha moved to our pack with her Dad, and she began her slew of torments. It would get really bad, things that I've put at the back of my mind , trying to forget it. I'd go to sleep at nights and have these awful nightmares, that would terrorise me soo much I'd wake up in this state. Alot of it stopped a year ago when Natasha mated with Garvin, the Alpha's son. I guess her doings were less physical  and more mental so although it did affect me still, the nightmares subsided. My parents didn't know so they auumed it was just general anxiety issues and so, I would take meds to calm me down and lower my blood pressure  whenever it happened. " Honey, hey are  you okay? Can you hear me?" My mother once again spoke reffering to my silent response. " Oh, um yeah, yeah, don't worry bout it, j-just a weird dream," I half-smiled , hoping to convince them, it worked. " Okay, well I guess whenever you're ready breakfast is ready.Take your time." She said before ushering my Dad out who looked at me , still worried.He knew me better.                                                        I sat there on the shaggy carpeted floor and wondered back at what happened in my dream, then it hit me. Ziya! She was marked by a wolf. Almost by instinct, I raised my hand to my neck, nervously, onlt to find my skin smooth, unmarked. Although it was a dream, it felt so real. I remembered what my mother said to me last night, and it resonated with me . Did i really know what i was getting into? No. This man was a killer, with no emotion, a man of hatred not a lover. Even though he never showed that side to me , it could all be an act. I had to tell him of my decisions. I got into the bathroom and quickly got ready. My parents were having breakfast when I walked downstairs ." Good morning Lyssa. Are you feeling okay?" my mom asked. " Yeah, it was nothing, I just have a small errand to do, Is that okay?" I asked while making my way to the door, grabbing a granola bar." Honey, aren't you having breakfast?" my dad asked. " Na, that's okay, don't have much of an appetite after what happened. I won't be long, " as I shut the door, hoping to avoid any questions.                                                                                                                                          I didn't want them to know what i was about to do, so I headed over to the guest house Alpha Evans would be staying at. As I was about to knock, the beta came out. He was surprised at my presence." luna, Good Morning, Alpha Evans isn't here. Would you like to see him?" He spoke. " y-yes yes I would like to see him,Where is he?" I nervously replied. His intimidating figure towered above me , muscular, huge, the guy looked like someone who lived and breathed the gym. He was tall as Evans, brown hair that was tied at the back in a small bun, his well-chiseled face still was no match for the Alpha but a good rival, and his deep green eyes. Yes, he was quite handsome, but still not quite in the same league as his Alpha. " Well, he is at a meeting with your Alpha, he should be back just now, care to wait here for him?The rest of our pack has left already,I'm just going to see my mate off and I'll be back." he asked with a kind smile. " um, sure and thanks. By the way , it's just Alyssa." I said before he nodded and left. I pushed the brown, oak door and entered the loft. It was a decent two-storeyed house, fully furnished, two baths, five bedrooms, all three times my room. A few houses like these were kept in our pack to accommodate any visiting guests and ofcourse the ocassional Alphas. I kept looking around when that oaky, musky smell hit me and I heard the front door open, he was here.    


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