Chapter twenty one : The renaissance fair

Start from the beginning

Juvia got ready to argue back when Erza stated "well then after the fair Natsu and Juvia will have a stand off."

"Alright!" Natsu fist pumped.

Juvia did a very small laugh and had a playful smile on her lips "very well."

Gray came up to her and held her hand "you get kind of creepy when you're going to fight."

Juvia shrugged and kissed his cheek "I won't lose."

Mira jumped out of nowhere in a pink and yellow renaissance dress. Lucy practically jumped out of her skin. "Oh my god." Lucy sighed.

Mira shrugged and said "so guys! Let's go to the fair! Everyone's has already left you guys take ages!" Mira huffed.

Everyone looked at Juvia for holding them back and she shrugged "my bad?"

Lucy rolled her eyes "let's go!"

Everyone left the hotel and got into taxis and headed off to the fair...

When they arrived the guild was already there standing around waiting for the rest of them. Cana was wearing a long skirt but from the looks of the waistband it was a dress cut into  a skirt. Her top half was her regular bikini. She was chugging yet another barrel of alcohol. Lucy rolled her eyes at her.

Mira yelled out "well we don't really have any plans just go out and have fun! But be back here for 1 okay?"

"Okay!" Everyone yelled.

Lucy went to nudge Levy because the 'okay okay' like the fault in our stars but remembered she wasn't here. Lucy sighed who would she go around the fair with? Levy was ill and the couples would go off and do something.

"Alright Happy! Let's go!" Natsu fist pumped.

"Aye sir!" Happy yelled.

They got ready to leave when they saw Lucy standing there awkwardly unsure of what to do with herself.

"Oi Lucy! Come on with us!" Natsu waved her over.

Lucy grinned and ran over to them both. "Thanks guys."

"We would never leave you alone Luce!" Natsu gave a toothy grin making Lucy blush a little. Natsu pointed to the fair "first! We get food!" 

Lucy rolled her eyes. Honestly she was worried that her eyes would stick up the way forever with the amount of times she rolls them.

Then Lucy, Natsu and Happy set off into the fair...


Wendy and Carla walked around the fair admiring everything. Wendy was in a purple dress, a blue corset, brown boots and a lilac flower crown that was entwined with the braids in her hair. Carla was in a pink dress and had a yellow flower on her head.

They kept on walking until they stopped and saw a bunch of people standing around something. Wendy asked Carla "what do you think is going on?"

"Should we go look?" Carla suggested.

Wendy nodded and walked over to the crowd they squeezed through the people and then saw a woman in the middle dancing beautifully. Wendy gasped and smiled watching the woman. She looked so peaceful dancing. Her dress swayed around her legs and she moved around gracefully.

Wendy and Carla stood watching her for a while and then decided to go get a drink from somewhere. They squeezed back out through the crowd but Wendy didn't spot the man's foot. She tripped on it and as the usual clumsy Wendy she fell face flat onto the ground.

"Wendy you have to be careful what you are doing child!" Carla tutted.

Wendy groaned "owww."

"Need a hand?"

Wendy looked up and saw Romeo standing there with his hand stretched out towards her.

Wendy smiled and took his warm hand. He pulled her up and Wendy dusted herself off. "Thank you." Wendy felt her ears go pink looking at him. 

Romeo laughed "you really are clumsy."

Wendy laughed with him "yeah."

"So where are you guys going to next?" Romeo asked.

Carla said sternly "to get a drink."

Wendy grinned "want to join us?"

Carla glared at her but Wendy ignored her Romeo nodded "yeah sure."

Carla didn't like the situation she believed Wendy was too young for something as ludicrous as a boyfriend. 

They walked along but suddenly found themselves in an awkward silence after Carla's dark aura. "Uhhh" Romeo said "did I do something?"

Carla just 'hmphed' and crossed her arms.

"Carla be nice!" Wendy instructed.

Carla went to retort but Mira popped out of nowhere and grabbed Carla and quickly said "um emergency with Happy go find him!" 

Carla struggled at Mira's grip "what emergency?"

"Happy and Natsu ate too much food and went over the bill!" Mira composed her face to lie easily.

Carla rolled her eyes "fine let me go."

Mira grinned and let her go. Carla then gave a glare to Romeo that said make a move and you're dead. Romeo gulped and Wendy scratched her head awkwardly. Carla then turned around and left.

Mira grinned "well enjoy yourselves!" Mira then disappeared into thin air.

Romeo asked "how does she do that?"

Wendy shrugged "who knows..."

"So let's go get those drinks I'm thirsty!" Romeo grinned.

Wendy flushed a little. "Okay."

They walked along until Romeo awkwardly asked "so you know how it is Ren and Sherry's wedding in a few days?"

Wendy blinked at him "oh! I almost forgot about that! We got the invites last year didn't we?"

Romeo nodded. "So I was wondering if you wanted to maybe go with me as a date?"

Wendy blinked.

And blinked.

And blinked.

Then her face turned extremely red she moved her head to the ground so her hair fell forward and covered her now blushing face.

Romeo sighed "it's okay if you don't want to."

Wendy snapped her head up and smiled "I would love to!"

They then heard someone shout "5 points to Rowendy!" 

They couldn't even see Mira she was at the other side of the renaissance fair...


I am so sorry this wasn't much of a chapter! It's just I'm super busy. I have a maths test on Monday, I have to tidy for friends coming round and it is my birthday tomorrow so I wanted to get it up for you guys today so I wouldn't have to do it on my birthday!

There will be another part of the renaissance fair and then it will be the Gajevy date!

I hope you liked this chapter!

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