23- Thats unfortunate

Start from the beginning

He just shrugs and looks over at me "I don't know, you can choose"

I stop to hink. The times we've gone out in the passed wekk, we've gone to nice places. And although I'm happy he wants to go to these nice places, this time around I just wanted a giant greasy ass burger.

"Let's go to Kanes" I smile at him, he'd never been to Kanes. I think it'd be a nice change of scenery.

"Really? Kanes?" He questions, as he turns where I tell him to

"Yeah it's the best place in town" I smile and nod

I hear him mumble something but choose to ignore it as we pull into the Kanes parking lot. Kanes has never been much, just a small bar and grill. Everyone in town loved it though, it was our little place.

"Hey Baby Bails" Kane smiles and waves as we walk in

"Hey Kane" I smile at him as I drag Dallas over to the usual booth

"So this is Kanes?" He questions, distaste laced through his voice as he looks around.

"Yep!" I smile as Kane makes his way to our table

"Usual Belle?" Kane questions

"Everything, shitload of ranch" I grin before looking at Dallas "Do you know what you want?"

"Uh do y'all have pasta? Gnocchi maybe?" He questions making me laugh slightly

"Uh I'd recommend a burger, they're the best here" I tell him. Kane's wasn't really that kind of place. It was know for its burgers and wings.

"Oh, okay just have the normal cheeseburger then "  Dallas smiles fakely at Kane

"Okay I'll get that right for y'all" Kane nods before returning to the kitchen.

I smile at Dallas as he glances around. The bar was open but fairly empty considering it was a Monday night. Granted it was still early too, so that could also be it.

"Whats wrong?" I question. He was looking around weirdly.

Within seconds it clicks. This place isn't really his scene. Caleb was right, he's a rich kid, used to fancy food and expensive restraunts. Not dusty old bar and grills with ultra greasy goodness.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think. This place isn't really your scene" I huff

"It's different" he shrugs, looking back at me

"It's home for me" I sigh "this is where I grew up"

We were quiet for a minute or two, only to be interrupted by an eerily familiar, annoying voice.

"Well if it isn't Princess" Caleb grins as he slides in the booth beside me, Beck and Ace pull chairs over to the table as Em sits next to Dallas on the other side of the table and Arrex sits next to her.

"Wait what are you guys doing here?" I question as I look over at Dallas. His face showed hints of annoyance. I knew it.

"I'm sorry I had no idea you guys were here" Em pleads.

I can't really blame them, I didn't tell them where I was going to be in the first place, but just with my luck they're here.

"We won't stay for long, promise" Beck states glancing at Dallas before looking back at me "We just came to get food"

I just nod my head with a small grin. He usually had my back with these things even if he did hate Dallas with a passion.

"Oh Belle, Brett is coming in this weekend" Ace smiles

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