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It was late at night and you were looking through pictures to delete cause your camera's memory card was full. You smiled at most of the pictures you took of you and Hobi goofing around instead of actually doing the assignment.



Your finger hovered over the button to get to the next photo. Staring at the picture you took of Jungkook posing a few months back, you felt pain in your heart. Whatever you did wrong that made him avoid you, you wanted to apologize to him for it.

A tear dripped down of your cheek. You missed him a whole fucking lot. You missed his dumb laugh, the way his nose would scrunch up when he smiled, the way his shoulders would go up when he's all giddy, his big doe eyes, his stupid jokes that made no fucking sense but made you laugh, and just his presence and the way it made you feel safe. Now he just acts as if your presence doesn't mean a thing to him.

Grabbing your phone from wherever you left it, you tapped on a contact number. "Hoseok, can you come over?" Your voice trembled as you heard Hoseok grab his keys and run to his apartment door, telling you to take deep breaths.


"So I came all the way here and skipped a red light cause my bestest friend was too dumb to realize she likes someone?"

"Ew? No? I don't see him that way?" You retaliated, now a lot calmer and no longer the crying mess you were earlier before Hobi comforted you.

He didn't actually know why you were crying until you stopped crying and managed to form coherent words and explain why you were crying in the first place.

"I don't see him that way mY ASS" he said, mocking you. "You're literally crying over him sweetie, try better at fooling me," he crossed his arms like the sassy man he was.

"I'd cry if you ignored me too?" You questioned him. "You cried about him being with Jugyeong and how you should've been more like her, explain your jealous ass."

Jugyeong's her name? That sounds awfully familiar.

"I said I should be more like her because she gave Jungkook shit and Jungkook always gives me shit but I never gave him anything back? That's probably why he's avoiding me, I'm a shit friend."

"Yeah sure. The both of you were literally sending heart eyes at each other all the fucking time before this whole fiasco," he shot back.

"And how would you know that-"

"You're blushing right now," Hoseok interrupted you. You were too busy thinking of a way to defend yourself. "So to come to a conclusion, you like him."

You came to the realization that everything your crackhead of a bestfriend has said was true and you actually connected the dots altogether.

"Holy shit, I love him," you blurted out.

"Wait, Y/N sweetie, I said you like him, not love him-"

Double update cause I feel like it :D
This is a rather short and straightforward chapter hehe. Happy bornday yoongles 😌💞 Vote, comment, follow if you like ✨

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