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Step 4: And Now, Wait

Day One

You walked into the canteen, eyes looking around for someone specifically.

The scene of Jungkook pecking your head the day before played over and over again from the moment he did it, when you were going to bed, and up till now. It caused you to see him differently and made you think certain thoughts that you never would've expected to pop into that little head of yours.

What do Jungkook's lips feel like? How does he like his eggs cooked in the morning? How many exes does he have and who are they? How many kids does he want?

Your eyes landed on the usual table you guys sat at then it moved to Jungkook who had his irresistible bunny smile smeared across the delicate features of his face as he laughed at some joke Taehyung made.

"Y/N!" Jimin yelled as a greeting. The others' heads went up to look at you as you walked towards them. You made eye contact with the man who was on your mind for the past 24 hours, expecting or maybe hoping for him to do something more than just a forehead peck.

Instead, he looked away and ate his meal. You sat across him as the others started arguing on about how manufacturers shouldn't even be wasting resources on making mint chocolate. "Jeon! I got the perfect score on the test I did yesterday!" You said excitedly, hoping for some. praise.

He just ate the last spoonful of his meal as you said that. "That's nice Y/N," he replied blandly before taking his tray and returning it.

He took his bag on his seat and bid you guys goodbye since his class was starting in a few.
You were a bit bummed out because you were expecting something to happen.

"It's fine, it's not a big deal anyways," you mumbled to yourself, brushing the matter off.

Step 4 is divided in 7 chapters cause if I put it in one it'll be long whoops

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