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"I need to take a shit," Jungkook announced, rushing to the toilet infront of your bedroom.


He washed his hands then sprayed a little air freshener incase there was a smell. Unlocking the door and leaving your bathroom, a sly smirk grew on his face as he saw your bedroom door infront of him.

The door creaked as he slightly opened it, taking a peep of your room. He switched the lights on and slid his way in, closing the door behind him and looked around.

Mumbling all the things he found, "stuffed toys, boy group posters, closet, desk, books, and-"

His eyes stopped at one particular object. Walking towards your desk, he grabbed the picture frame in hand and looked at the photo of you and your family when you were younger .

"Holy shit," he whisper-shouted, eyes widening as he realized that you out of all people happened to look like one of his closest childhood friends.

You were very special to him and when he found out you left, he didn't know what going abroad meant which resulted in him he thinking you'd be coming back soon. So, he ended up waiting and waiting for you, for a very long time.

Does she remember me? was his first thought.

No... She probably doesn't.

You being someone he grew feelings for and someone he considered important in his four year old life, he suddenly remembered bits and pieces of the time you two spent together. He was already expecting you to not even know him since the both of you were very young and you haven't mentioned a thing up till now. But deep inside his heart, he was hoping you knew who he was and how much impact you had on him when you left so suddenly.

"Jungkook get your ass back here!!" He heard Taehyung yell. Quickly shoving the picture frame back to its place, switching the lights off and closing the door, he ran his way back to the living room arms close by his side.

He sat down between Yoongi and Namjoon, mumbling things under his breath and fiddling with his fingers.

"Jeon are you okay?" He heard the very person who was currently at the center of his thoughts ask him. His head jolted up as if he snapped his neck. Unable to form coherent words, he let out a hum as to say he didn't hear what you said. "I asked if everything's okay?" You asked once again.

Looking at your facial features, he's noticed you lost your chubby cheeks, but you still had the same cute dimple that appeared on the left side of your face when you smiled. Your nose got more well-defined, but well, he found your button nose a lot more boop-able than the one you had now. The more he observes you, he realizes, it really is her.

So as to reply to your question, he said "Everything's perfectly perfect."

This chapter sucks so bad I'm sorry. I'll edit it later on. :(

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