Chapter 1 - Payback

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SPEAR! One... two... three! Your winners... THEEEEEEEE SHIIIIEEEELLLLLLLLD! Clean sweep of Evolution. Seth eliminated Batista. Dean eliminated Randy. Roman eliminated Hunter. No Shield member was eliminated, they took one hell of a beating. Hit with chairs and kendo sticks, Seth even jumped of the titiaron to save Roman. The samoan crawled over to Seth, grabbed his hand, letting him know the match was over and was he glad. He was sore, he had taken so much punishment. As Roman turned towards Dean, Seth rolled more into the ring to help aid Dean who had just been hit in the head by a sledge hammer and had hardly moved since.

Roman moved over to Dean, as with Seth, grabbed his hand to say the match was over. Dean slowly rolled to his side, still looking dazed. Roman and Seth stood behind Dean and picked him up, Roman supporting most of his weight. They would put their fists together as they usually did, their symbol of excellence. Eventually they made their way backstage, Dean still needed the support from Roman, even though he felt he didn't need it, he had no choice. Roman wouldn't take no for an answer, he would support his brother till the day he died.

"Man, that was one hell of a match."

"No kidding Ro. I must say jumping of the tiatron was fun."

"Dean, you ok man?"

No response. Usually there would be a cocky reply like, 'Of course, we are the Shield.'. But there was nothing. Not even acknowledgement that he heard Roman. Neither had seen Dean like this before. Just staring at nothing. There was something wrong.

"Seth, go get a trainer. He needs some help." Roman whispered.

"Yeah. Be back in a sec." Seth turned to leave to find a trainer as Dean turned and asked,

"Where is he going?"

"He'll be back in a sec. You good?"

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"

"You don't seem yourself."

"Nah, I'm good."

"We'll hang on here until Seth gets back. He'll think he's gone mad."


"That was a good Dirty Deeds tonight. Bang on, right on the centre of the chair."

Again no response. This was very worrying, mid conversation, again staring at nothing. A few moments later Seth and the trainer arrived.

"Dean. Roman. I'm back."

"Seth... I'm really worried. Steve, even mid conversation he just drifts out. He isn't his usual self."

"Let me check him out and lets go from there."

"Ok, thanks man."

"No problem. Dean? Its Steve. Just need to have a word."

"Huh? Word? What word?" Dean asked seeming very confused.

"Come with me. Just want to check out that head of yours."

"Ummmm... ok." Dean walked with Steve as Roman and Seth walked behind. The worry was clear to see on Romans face. Seth made sure to hide his worry, looking over at Roman he knew he needed some support.

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