Odd and Ulrich easily passed us, as Aelita kept Jeremie company further back. Wave had been kepting a good pace, but now.

"_______ get up. Unless you want more laps." Jim stopped the stop watch, as Odd and Ulrich passed him.

"I'm up!" The threat of running more laps had Wave moving.


"At this rate, you'll never beat me." Odd bragged. "Looks like your deserrts will be mine for a week."

Wave puffed her cheeks out. "Not gonna happen! We still have two weeks left before the eigth grade mathron."

After gym class, we all met in our usual spot by the vending machines. When Yumi joined us, she arrived in the middle of another Odd/Wave debate.

"Those two still going on about the bet?" Yumi leaned against the wall, watching the site before her.

"Yup." Aelita answered. "They probably won't stop until the mathron's over."

The eigth grade mathrion isn't actually a marthon. Eigth graders from Kanna and Kadic are divided into teams. The teams completechallenges as they race from Kadic to Kanna. Teams split themselves up into pairs in rely race style. Teams have to make it to different check points to pass a baton to another teammate. This continues until the last teammate arrives at Kadic.

Odd and Wave made a bet as to which team will win.

"Come on guys." Jeremie said. "It's almost time to leave."

That got Wave's attention "Where are you guys going?"

"The library." Ulrich said the same time as Odd said, "The mall."

"We're going to study at teh library near the mall." Yumi quickly answered.

Wave's interest quickly faded. "Count me out. I'll be in my dorm doing some sampling."

"Make sure the volume's low this time. Or Sissy will be mad...again." Aelita referred to last night when Sissy woke up the whole dorm trying to get Wave to shut her music off.

Wave smirked. "Oh, I've got something planned for little miss princess." Knowing Wave, Sissy isn't going to 'enjoy' DJ Wave's tunes.

As Wave left, I also took my leave of the group. The others will be waiting for me at the mansion. It's time to explore the new sectors.


Lynn's POV:

"Did I miss anything?' Emi asked as she stepped off the elevator.

"Nope, Cam was just explaining how we're getting to the new sector." Alexei answered.

"This will be our first time going to a hidden sector." Cam stopped typing to look at us. "getting in might not be easy."

"We've identified the portal's location. It's a start." Emi turned towards the elevator. "Is Kya coming?"

Joining her, I shook my head. "She'll come after figure skating practice."

The elevator opened, allowing us to enter the scanners. "Hope you like hiking. Your off to the mountain sector." Cam said, before sending us to Lyoko.

Upon or arrival, two cyberbikes waited for us. Emi rode with Alexei as Cam guided us. Everything was quiet, we made it with no problems to the portal's location. The portal is located on a giant rock in the center of a circular platform.

Code Lyoko: Lyoko Defenders Season 2Where stories live. Discover now