38. Epilogue

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The sound of anklets clinked as a young girl at the age of 11 came running down the steps of Shantivaan and entering the family room. "Yes mumma?"

Khushi turned to her daughter, one hand at her side while the other rested over her big baby bump. "Have you finished your homework yet?"

"I finished it an hour ago."

"And have you been studying for your math test?"

"I would but-"

"Whoosh! Whoosh!"

In came running a little 7 year old boy with an airplane in hand. "Mumma look at my plane!"

"Ayush, did you finish your homework," Khushi frowned.

"I only have one left," he said, still playing with his toy plane.

"One left? Ayush, go upstairs right now and finish your homework or I will tell Papa that you've been a bad boy."


"No buts, now go to your room and finish up your homework."

Ayush stopped and looked down. "Fine," the little boy pouted.

Khushi sighed and couldn't help her smile at the sight of her little boy. "Tell you what, if you finish your homework properly, I'll make you some kheer."

Ayush's head popped up and he gave a toothy grin. "Really?"

"Really," Khushi smiled. "Now quickly go upstairs."

Ayush nodded and he ran upstairs, going straight to his room.

"Great, now I can study," Arshi said. "Thanks mumma," and she went upstairs.

Khushi sighed, watching her kids disappear upstairs. She turned back to the kitchen, preparing dinner.

It had been about 10 years since Khushi had returned to Arnav, and life had never been better. After she came back, while working on her relationship with Arnav, she had helped Anjali and Aman tell Arnav about the two of them. At first Arnav was quiet about it, but realizing how happy Aman made his sister and cared for Pari as if she were his own, made him agree and accept it. And so eventually, Anjali got married to Aman, moving out of Shantivaan and into their own home, the two having boy and girl twins of their own.

Due to the expansion of AR Group, Akash and Payal had moved to the U.S  taking their son and Akash's parents with them. Payal had given birth to her son and had named him Rishabh, after Khushi had told her about the dream she had had on the plane. They had also had a baby girl, who they named Madhuri, much to Manorama's request.

As for Nani, well, she had passed away two years ago, after she had gotten very ill. It was very unexpected and quite shocking for everyone when she passed. But she lives on in everyone's hearts.

And so, Shantivaan remained to Arnav and Khushi, and their kids.

Khushi felt a kick and she gasped, looking down at her baby bump. "You're right, it's time for your papa to be home."

Warm hands wrapped around Khushi and took hold of Khushi's bump. "And papa's right here."

Khushi smiled and looked up at Arnav. Arnav gave her a kiss and rested his chin on her shoulder.

"How's my little champ?"

"Quite active today," Khushi chuckled. "I feel like he's playing soccer in there with the number of kicks I've felt today."

"Atta boy," Arnav grinned and Khushi rolled her eyes.

"By the way, Ayush tried to skip out on homework again today, you have to stop spoiling him."

"But he's only taking a short break to play a little."

"And a short break has become another playtime Arnav, it can't be like this. Will you please say something to him, and please, this time, don't soften up? I know you were like that with Arshi, but its a good thing I kept it under control. But being heavily pregnant like this, I can't-"

"Alright, alright, I'll have a word with him. No need to stress, just relax my queen, take care of yourself and the little guy."

"Thank you," Khushi smiled softly. "Now go wash up, dinner is almost ready."

"Okay," and he gave her another kiss, before heading upstairs.


With dinner complete, Arnav, Khushi, and the kids settled in the family room, watching some TV. Before long, it was their bedtime and Arshi and Ayush were sent off to their rooms. Once they were settled in, Arnav and Khushi headed to their room.

Changed up and ready for bed, Khushi looked up at the stars. She was so glued into them that she didn't realize that Arnav was gazing at her. He truly couldn't help himself, especially seeing the way Khushi was glowing. She looked absolutely stunning with her pregnancy glow and the moonlight shining down upon her.

Walking over to her, Arnav wrapped his arms around Khushi and kissed her neck. "What are your thinking about love?"

Khushi shook her head. "Nothing really. I was just wondering what my life would've been like if I hadn't gotten off the jet."

Arnav looked up at her.

"Back then, Arshi was my life. Nothing else mattered to me and yet.... If I had left that night, I never would've had Ayush. I never would've had this baby, another chance to carry our child in my womb." Khushi looked up at him. "And I would've lost you."

Arnav sighed, smiling softly. "You never would've lost me Khushi. You know I love you, and I always will," he said, placing his forehead against hers.

"I know," Khushi sighed. "But still - it's because you love me so much that you never would've gone after me. And I would never would've had you again."

"You'll always have me - no matter what."

Khushi looked up at him, caressing his cheek. "I love you so much Arnav," and she kissed him.

Pushing him back slightly, Khushi reached under Arnav's T-shirt and pulled it off. Arnav knew exactly what his wife's intentions were, and he slid off the straps of her nightgown, revealing her flesh to him. Khushi lost herself in her husband that night, as Arnav lost himself to her. The crazy rapid beats of their hearts didn't just signify the intensity of their love making, but the intensity of their love itself.

Although things in life weren't always perfect, in this moment now, it was. They had come a long way, dipping down low, but managing to come back up high. They had worked out all of their issues, forgave each other, and lived life in peace and harmony - that is, when the children allowed it. But one thing for sure, their love for each other only increased, and every time they would come together, their hearts would race and unite.

This was life now, and life was good, and both Arnav and Khushi could ask of nothing more.

And the two lived happily ever after with their family.


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