14. A Jog At The Park

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Khushi couldn’t get over what had happened the previous day and she was stressing out on it. So early next morning, Khushi decided she’d go out for a run. Running always helped Khushi get rid of stress.

Arnav was still mad from yesterday. After telling the whole family, he had called Khushi’s parents and Buaji. They were really surprised to learn that Khushi was a mother, let alone that she had come back. Now all they wanted was to see their daughter and granddaughter.

As usual, Arnav got up early and went out to exercise. He headed to the park and ran for a while, trying to get rid of his anger.

After running for a while, Arnav decided to take a break. He sat down on a bench and was drinking water from his bottle, when all of a sudden he spat it out. His eyes widened as he looked at Khushi.

She was in black jersey shorts and a tank top, and although he liked the view, his blood was boiling that any other guy could also see her like this - mind you, there were barely any other people around this morning. Khushi's hair was up in a high ponytail, bouncing from side to side as she ran.

Arnav couldn’t help but be attracted to her. But at the same time, it seemed weird. Before, Khushi used to only feel comfortable in desi clothes. And now here she was in quite-revealing shorts and a tank top.

Khushi stopped to catch her breath. She drank water and noticed that the sprinklers were on at the kids section. She was about to go when Arnav came in front of her.

“Move out of my way,” Khushi said, not looking at him.

“You know that I won’t, so why say it? Besides, you should know that I want to talk to you.”

“Well I don’t care.”

“Khushi,” he began, but she walked around him… but she wasn’t fast enough.

Arnav got hold of her hand and she stopped. Khushi felt her heart race up and she shut her eyes. When she opened them, Arnav was in front of her, looking at her.

He smiled lightly. “How dare you try to leave before I’m done speaking?”

Khushi’s eyes widened as she remembered the time she ran away from him when he tried to talk to her.

She looked away. “What do you want?”

“Come over.”

“Kya,” she exclaimed and looked at him.

“Come. Over.”



“Humne kaha na? No,” and she walked away, releasing herself.

He ran in front of her. “Please Khushi? Everyone wants to see Arshi.”

“You told everyone?!”

“Of course. She’s my daughter too, you know.”

She looked away.

“Plus,” he continued, “Amma, Babuji, and Buaji want to see her.”

“Did you… you don’t call her aunty anymore,” she asked, gazing at him in wonder.

“No… she helped me through tough times.”

“What tough times?”

He looked her in the eye. “When you left.”

She looked away and Arnav continued.

“Anyways…could you and Arshi please come over? Everyone really wants to see you, as well as Arshi.”

Khushi sighed. “…fine! When?”

“Tomorrow night.”

“Fine… I’ll be there.”

“You mean you both will be there.”

Khushi rolled her eyes and Arnav smirked and turned away. She let out a heavy sigh, when Arnav called out to her.

“Oh yeah, Khushi! Love the new look!”

She rolled her eyes and turned away, no longer in the mood for the sprinklers.

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