Chapter 18

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Ryan’s POV

The clock stroked 3:00, signaling that my parents would be here in an hour, and knowing them, they would be here on time.

“Listen, Beth, I’m sorry for lashing out on you earlier.” I apologize.

“I don’t think it’s you that has to apologize.” She says nervously, avoiding my stare.


“You see, I might have, maybe, accidentally, told mom and dad about Jessica..."

“You what?!” I interrupt her, “That’s why their coming back all of a sudden?!”

“Yeah?” she looked nervous, “Since you have that playboy reputation, they were pretty happy when I told them you had a girlfriend.”

“The hell?!” I started pacing back in forth around the room.

“What’s wrong?” she asks.

“You haven’t heard? We broke up yesterday, stupid! They’d be coming here for nothing!” I continue to pace, thinking of different excuses to say. My parents aren’t stupid, therefore, they’d be pretty pissed if they found out they traveled miles and miles for nothing! “Did you tell them her last name?”

She nods, making me groan, “I’m so sorry.” She apologizes.

“Uh… do you think they know how she looks like?” I ask.


Yeah, they probably did. My parents probably did some kind of background check on her or something, just to see if she was suitable for their beloved Ryan…

“Um… Ryan?” Beth says.

“What?” I ask, not bothering to look at her, or bothering to stop pacing around, a habit I do when I'm either thinking or worried… now both.

“I have an idea… but you’re not going to like it.”

“Spit it out already!” I order, thinking of other ways to have ‘Jessica Jones’ over.

“Why don’t you ask Jessica to come over and…”

I stop in my tracks, “No!”

“Please Ryan?” she asks, “What other ideas can you think of?”

“I don’t have any.” I admit.

“See?” she gives me a pointed look, “They’d be here in a few minutes!”

“Don’t blame this on me!” I shout, “This is your fault!”

She frowns, “I know, I’m sorry.”

“You should be!” I start pacing again, looking back at the clock from time to time; seeing that they’d be here in forty minutes.

Beth leaves the room, not bothering to finish our ‘friendly’ conversation.

About thirty minutes later, the doorbell rang, making me stop in my tracks. And it wasn’t too soon, until Paul, our butler, went up to open our front door…

“Jessica?!” I look at her in disbelief.

“What?” she asks, “Beth said that we should---“

“She invited you?!” I couldn’t stand Beth anymore, how on earth are we even related?!

“Well yeah---“

“You don’t even like her!” I accuse, knowing she doesn’t.

“Well, she called, said we got off on the wrong foot and---“

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