Chapter 13

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A/N: I am aware that the previous chapter was boring, and missing out a lot of Ressie (Ryan and Jessie) moments, so I hope you’ll like this chapter better!


Jessica’s POV


“Jessie, are you okay?” Ryan says through the door.

“Umm, yeah?” I say, but it sounded more like a question.

“You’ve been in there for over an hour, are you sure you’re okay?”

“I’m fine!” I lie.

“Then why don't you come out?”

“I… I just like it here.” I lie.

“You’re in the bathroom; who would like to stay in there?”

“I do, okay?!”

“Okay, okay…” he gives in, “Just call me if you need anything.”

I bet your probably wondering what’s going on, right?

Well… today’s a typical weekend, and I'm in Ryan’s house, just the typical girlfriend who was visiting her typical boyfriend. We were in his room, just talking about whatever came to our brains, until I needed to use the restroom.

I came in here, and… well… it might have been that time of the month.

I’ve been in here for over an hour, thinking of what to do. I couldn’t just tell Ryan that I have my fucking period! So, I had to think of another solution.

Oh, who am I kidding? I don't have another solution, right?

“Ryan?” I call, loud enough for him to hear.

“Yeah?” I heard him say, “Need anything?”

“I… don't judge, okay?” I ask instead.

“Of course I won’t.”

“I… never mind.” I sigh. This is way too much embarrassment for me to take.

“Jessie, you’re not pregnant, are you?” He jokes.

“Ryan!” I groan.

“I’m sorry.” He apologizes, “But seriously; are you okay?”

“I… I swear to god, if you say anything insulting, embarrassing, or offensive, I will break up with you, and I will personally beat the shit outta you!”

Now that was a lie, Ryan and I have just dated for a couple of days, I would never even try to break up with him!

“I promise!” he agrees, “But I don't get why you’re doing all defensive over nothing, its---“

“I have my period, okay?!”

“You… what?!” he questions.

“I am not saying it again.”

“So… you have your period now?”

I could practically see him smirking through that door, making me groan in irritation. “Ryan…” I warn.

“Okay, okay, do you need a… um… you know.”

My cheeks flame in embarrassment, “Please?”


I heard footsteps and a door close, meaning he’s not here anymore.

I have never experienced something as embarrassing as this! I am Jessica Jones, I do not blush! But, now I'm just too embarrassed to not blush.

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