Chapter 9

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Please check the author's note at the end if the chapter, because its very important!


Jessica’s POV

Weeks went by, and I am proud to say that I have spent a lot of time with Ryan and Connor. Yes, I know he’s ‘Connor’ now, but I still call him ‘Carter’, just to piss him off. Claire and Connor have already started dating, and he’s already broken up with Mia.

Now, we were eating lunch together in the school cafeteria, and Kayla, Connor, and Claire were technically teasing Ryan and I, because we were the only ones single in the group.

“I don't get what's wrong with being single.” I sass, “At least I'm free, right Ryan?”

“Yeah. I mean, look at you.” He tells Connor, “You’re practically whipped, man.”

“Am not!” he denied.

“In denial now, are we?” I smirk.

“No, technically we’re in America, genius.”

I instantly lose my smirk, it being replaced with a glare. I hated being sassed! “Why you little---“

“Greek-god-like beast.”

“Erase the ‘Greek-god-like’ and your sentence would actually be true.” I smirk.

“Jessica!” Claire comes to his rescue.

“My bad.” I raise my hands in surrender.

“Anyway, why don't you and Ryan date?” Claire suggested, “You guys are the only ones single.”

In the blink of an eye, I could see Connor giving Ryan a knowing look; I have no idea why though.

“Oh shut up, Claire.” I wave her off, and then I asked Connor, “How can you even date that girl? She’s too cliché for her own good.”

Everyone laughed, well, except for Claire, who just glared at me. I honestly don't get why they’re laughing, I was serious ! I mean, don't you think Claire’s cliché?

Anyway, as soon as I finished swallowing the last bit of my lunch, the school bell rung, indicating that it was time for our next classes. So we all headed to our next classes.

History Class

Mr. Grimm was late today, for some reason, I didn’t know.

I took my usual seat, in the back row. Ryan sat beside me, making me grin from ear to ear. “Hey.” He greeted, before sitting beside me.

“What’s up?”

I wasn’t the one that asked ‘what’s up’. Ryan and I turned our attention to where we heard the voice, and my eyes met a smirking Leah.

Ugh! This girl was seriously some piece of work! She needs to know that I’m not after her, oh so precious, Ryan. She needs to get that information, and shove it inside her head, but for all I know, she must have shoved it up her ass, and forgot she left it there.

Just thinking of that made me chuckle.

“What’s so funny?” Leah asks, taking a seat beside her beloved, Ryan.

“Your face.” I sass.

I’ll admit; I loved sassing, it’s like nature to me. Okay, I’ll admit another thing; what I said was downright weird.

Leah didn’t want to argue, so she just rolled her eyes, and then focused them on Ryan, “What are you doing tomorrow, babe?” she asks him, batting her pathetic eyelashes.

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