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Jessica's POV

Lemme tell you something about my family; it's very weird and very complicated!

Okay, let me start from the top.

My mom, Marry and my dad, Jerry were never married when they had my older brother, Jacob. When Jacob turned 3, they eventually married then.

Soon they had me.

Now everything's weirder.

My mom and dad aren't together anymore, but they never divorced.

My dad has another family now; he has kids as well, but he isn't married to the mother. He and my mom are still together in the papers.

My dad has his own family while, my mom raised Jacob and I. She was actually different than most mothers, though.

For example, while other parents scold their children for cussing, my mother says bad words to us, and she doesn't actually mind if we cuss, unless it's to her, of course. Even if she is not the best mother in the world, I love her.

She is like a combination of a mom and a dad. She works like a dad, and watches out for us like a mom.

Soon though; she met this guy named Steven Peterson, and they had my half-brother and half-sister, Jack and Jane.

Since they aren't my dad's kids, they took Steven's last name, Peterson. Jack is very annoying and has ADHD, (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder).

Jane on the other hand, was a devil in disguise! Not literally though. She was a 3 year old pain in the ass, she was always making trouble and blaming it on Jacob, Jack, and I. She was an angel in front of mom and Steven, but she was horrible with us.

Jacob, Jack and I were always closer, but we also loved Jane, a little bit... less.

Soon, when Jacob turned 18, he moved out. Leaving me with Jack and Jane. Though, he often visited when he wasn't doing collage stuff, which was mostly on weekends.

Anyway I sometimes asked myself why mom and dad won't just divorce. But obviously, I don't know the answer to that question.

I sometimes thought that they never divorced because they still loved each other; just a little bit. But, every time I asked my mom about my dad, she kept saying that he was an irresponsible father, so she left him.

Just so you know; no one but my family, me, Kayla and Claire know about this.

As far as people know; my mom and dad are still together and Jack and Jane don't exist.

Okay I am finished with my rant.

I don't want you thinking that my parents are 'sex addicts'. Because they aren't, they just......... they aren't, okay?!


I'm currently eating at the school cafeteria, with my 2 best and only friends, Kayla Davis and Claire Walker.

"He's taking me out on a date this Friday!" Kayla squealed.

"Kayla, please don't talk about your boyfriend, as if he isn't my brother." I scolded. "It's honestly kind of weird."

"I thought you accepted our relationship." She jokingly, pouted.

"I do!" I protest. "It's just... weird."

"How do you feel about Jack?" Kayla bluntly asks about my half-brother.

"Kayla! Not now!" I complain.

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