Chapter 4

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Jessica's POV

The weekend was fun; who knew I'd get to spend it with Ryan?

He was really great with Jane. She normally doesn't like the new people she meets, heck, she doesn't even like me, and I was there when she was born!

Anyway, today was Monday; the worst day of the week.

For me, at least. But don't you agree?

I walked into my first class of the day...

Science Class

I sat at one of the tables, as Mr. Grimm, entered the classroom, "G'moring class," he greets.

Class is starting... now?

But Ryan, my lab partner, isn't here yet! If he doesn't show up soon, I'm going to rip his balls out. He is not making me do an experiment by myself!

"Today, we will not be doing an experiment." Mr. Grimm announced, "Here, we have a bunch of pig body organs," he shows us a bunch of organs, labeled with the letters of the alphabet, "I want you to name all of the organs, according to they're letter." He explains, "For example; letter 'A' is the 'heart'. Understand?"



"Yes, sir."

"Okay, here." He hands each and every one of us a piece of paper, to write our answers on. "You may work with your partners if you have some trouble, or you may work alone." Mr. Grimm explains, "You may start now."

I guess I'm working alone.

I wrote a few answers on my paper, when Mr. Grimm spoke again, "Class, I have to go use the restroom, I'll be back." He left the room.

I was writing a bunch of answers on my paper, when arms wrapped around me from behind, and someone started planting kisses on my neck and shoulder, making me gasp.

My first reaction was to turn around, and punch this person in the face, but the mystery person murmured in my neck, "I missed you." as he kissed me there.

I didn't need to turn around to know that it was Ryan.

Wait... Ryan?

He's kissing me!

Even if it wasn't on my lips... wow!

Plus he said he missed me!

I am normally a very tough chick. I'm not like most girls who like nail polish and bags. I like skateboards and spiders. But there was one thing those girls and I have in common. Any guesses?

We all like Ryan.

It was taking all of my willpower not to squeal, as his lips moved on my neck.

Wait... squeal?

Jessica Jones does not squeal!

Before I could say anything, he released me from his hug, and took a seat beside me, giving me his infamous smirk.

"Hey," he greets, "what'd I miss?"

I stopped my gawking, and sobered up, "We were just writing the pigs organs on this paper." I explain, "We have to label them by their assigned letters."


"You can just ask Mr. Grimm for a piece of paper when he comes back, he just went to---"

"I'm back!" Mr. Grimm announced, and then he noticed Ryan's presence, "Mr. Brentley, did you just arrive?"

"No." he played innocent. "I was here the entire time, sir."

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