Chapter 1

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Ryan’s POV

History Class

“Class, you need to be grouped into two for an assignment.” Mr. Grimm, our history and science teacher announced.

I raised my hand.

“Yes, Mr. Brentley?”

“Do we get to pick our partners?” I ask.

“No, I will.”

The whole class groaned in annoyance; Mr. Grimm was the worst person when it came to pairing up for an assignment.

“Claire and Connor, Mathew and Marry, Kayla and Josh…” Mr. Grimm said a lot of students, until my name came up. “Ryan and Jessica, Hallie and Drake…”

Wait, WHAT?! Me and Jessica?!


This way, it will be easier to win this stupid bet.

“And, that will also be your lab partners from now on.” He adds. “It’s annoying always picking your partners every science meeting.”

The rest of the day passed by, and I was at Connor’s house.

“Dude, do you find this project easy?” he asks.

“The assignment’s easy.” I bragged. “We just have to do a bit of research on the ‘Trojan War’.”

“That’s easy, how?”

I rolled my eyes; this guy is really an idiot. “Open Goggle; search ‘the Trojan war’, copy, paste.”

“If you put it that way, it’s pretty easy.” He admitted. “I don’t even know why Mr. Grimm bothered pairing us up.”

“Mr. Grimm’s just an idiot.” I clarify. “But, other than the searching part of the project, you have to also present it to the class.”

“Present, how?” He asks.

I bet this guy zoned out in the middle of class again.

“It’s a PowerPoint Presentation.” I explain. “You just simply put the research there, as well as some pictures.”

“Continue.” He encourages.

I roll my eyes. “To make it shorter, just copy and paste it, in PowerPoint.” I explain. “This project is worth 50% of our grades in history; 10% for the researching part, 10% for the grammar when presenting, 5% for pictures, and 25% for the presentation.”


“Oh, Connor, one more thing.”


“Listen to what the teacher has to say next time, okay?” I smirk.

He rolls his eyes. “Yes sir.”

I grin, as if I won something.

“Dude, why did you even pay attention to Mr. Grimm?” he asks. “You never listen to him, why start now?”

“Because I will win the bet, and get my 500 bucks.” I smirk.

The next day, I searched the school grounds for a  certain familiar girl. I looked around for a bit, until I spotted her familiar dirty blonde locks; she was putting some books back in her locker.

I approached her. “Hey, Jessica.”

I guess she didn’t notice me when I came here, because she dropped her books, while she screamed in horror.

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