Chapter 9 - "You're an idiot!"

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They all turned the corner after rushing through the jungle for the past half an hour. They were on a mission to find, and possibly save, Regina. As they turned the corner, they saw the fairy, who stopped in her tracks upon seeing the group of fairytale characters. 

They all got their weapons out, ready to attack if needed. However, Atarah was just standing between them all, with her arms crossed and with an unimpressed and bored expression on her face.

"Where's Regina?" Emma demanded of the fairy, Atarah rolled her eyes. Emma really needed to start remembering that just because she demands something of someone, she wasn't going to miraculously get what she wanted.

The fairy held her hands up in surrender, signalling to them all she wouldn't try to attack them unless they did something first. Which wasn't very likely at all.

"Who the hell are you?" Tinker Bell asked the blonde. Atarah noted that this fairy looked slightly familiar to her. Like she had seen this fairy before, she just didn't remember where from and who she was.

"A pissed off mother. Where is she?" Emma demanded, again.

There was a slight ominous and awkward silence where they all looked round at each other, the tension building up and building up. It was getting closer to where someone snaps from the painful and tension filled silence, until someone out of the group spoke. "I'm fine, I'm fine!" It called out, cutting away all the previous tension. They all looked over to see Regina running towards them all.

"You mind lowering those?" Tinker Bell asked the group around Atarah. "You may stick me, but I'll take you down with me!" She said eyeing all those with a weapons, not really paying attention to Atarah.

"That's how fairies work!" Atarah spoke up with a small smile. Tinker Bell looked over at the girl, confused on where she had heard this girls voice before. She narrowed her eyes at the woman and immediately recognised her.

"Magenta?" Tinker Bell asked her as she stood a step closer to Atarah.

Everyone looked to Atarah with a raised brow. "No ones called me that in ages, who a-" she began but then it snapped. She knew who this was now. "Green?" She asked both shocked and amazed.

She saw that Green seemed to be thinking about something. Her expression changing from shock, amazement, realisation, horror and anger all in the span of 5 seconds. Everyone else seemed to notice this and slightly cringed. Of course Atarah has done something to this fairy.

Tinker Bell suddenly punched Atarah in the face. Her face shot to the side and Atarah faced the fairy. "Owww!" She said her tone full of sarcasm and boredom.

"You deserve that!" The fairy hissed.

"What did she do this time?" Killian asked in annoyance.

"Of course it was you! I heard you had met Peter Pan, but I didn't think- it didn't make sense until just. There was only one way Pan would get pixie dust that easily and powerful. If either Blue or you gave him it. You stole it and gave him heaps and heaps of it, and when she tried to take your wings, he stopped her by draining her fairy magic!" Tinker Bell said more to Atarah.

"Yada, yada, yada!" Atarah rolled her eyes with a sigh. "Yes, I gave Peter all of the pixie dust us fairies had. And yes, he stopped Blue from taking my wings and drained some of her fairy magic in the process!"

"What are you saying?" Judas asked as he looked between the two fairies.

"Magenta is the reason Pan is so powerful and has so much magic!" Tinker Bell said.

"So, Regina was the reason for you loosing your wings and Atarah is the reason for..." Killian trailed off.

"Why Pan can chose who leaves his island! Why he can sense new people on his island! Why his magic is so powerful! Magenta is the reason Pan was able to draw you all to this place!" Tinker Bell spoke out.

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