Chapter 19 - "Where are you pulling that from, Killian?"

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Atarah awoke and her eyes opened, only to see the ground before her, and she soon figured she was over someone's shoulder and they were walking. Atarah was confused as to how she had gotten into this situation. The last thing she remembered was joining Peter at his thinking tree, and then it was all hazy, and from the floor she was seeing she saw grass and dirt change into sand. Atarah groaned, and fell unconscious once again.

When Atarah awoke fully, she sat up and gazed around the room she was in just to see she was in a room, and she recognised it as a room on her brother's ship, the Jolly Rodger. She slid off of the bed quickly and headed over to the door, only to find it locked. She tried opening it again, and found it locked.

Atarah let out an angry sigh and couldn't believe her own brother would lock her in, she raised her hand and with a flick of her wrist the door was blasted open with a loud bang. Several people looked over at her when she came into their line of vision, and she glared at them all. "My own brother locking me in a room!" She mused. "And to think, I thought we were getting somewhere with our relationship!"

"It was only a precaution, Atarah!" He told her. "You know what you're like when you're angry!"

"And why would I be angry, brother?" She asked, and her eyes spotted Felix tied up to the boat looking extremely angry, and she frowned. She knew, she just knew that they had done something to Peter, and she shook her head in disbelief. "Wow!" She said softly. "You all must really hate me, huh?"

"We don't hate you, Atarah-"

"On second thoughts, I want to go back into my room!" She said as she was eerily calm, and Hook frowned. "It's much better, and I won't be bothered!" She turned round and headed back into the room, and the door slammed behind her. She was sat on the bed with her back pressed against the wall, as she hugged her legs. A tear slowly cascaded from her eye, but she quickly wiped it away, and found that her friends killing Peter was nothing but a sobering fact.

That love is, was, and will always be, a weakness. And that opening herself up to the idea of finding love and a happy ending was just something people like her never got. She knew she should probably be used to this by now, but she had allowed herself just this once to believe in it like everyone had told her to, and it was ruined. It was way better to just ignore love, and to run from it because hurts, and kills. Love was a poison, a sweet poison, but it kills all the same.

After all, sometimes you just have to be done. Not mad or upset, just done. And she was done, she was.

After a short while, there was a knock on the door and she ignored it, until the door opened and her brother entered the room. He sat on the bed with her and looked at her for a while, before he spoke up. "You know, when something bad happens you have three choices, Atarah." Her brother told her softly. "You can either let it define you, destroy you, or you can let it strengthen you. Please go with the latter!"

Atarah slowly looked up at him, and stared. "Those are some, bold, bold words, Killian!" Atarah mused. "You know that, right?" She questioned him. "You want me to become strong from Peter's death, yet when Rumplestiltskin killed you're precious Milah, you let it destroy you and you turned straight for revenge! It's kind of hypocritical, you know!"

"But that's different!" He told her.

"No it isn't!" She told him.

"Yes, it is!" He told her. "Pan, he didn't tell you that it was him dying, that Henry needed to die so he could live. He lied to you, you shouldn't love a man who lies to you. He-"

Atarah frowned and shook her head at him in disbelief. "Where are you pulling that from, Killian?" She questioned him. "I knew it was Peter dying, and I knew Henry needed to die so that Peter could live. I knew the second I stepped onto the island. Everybody knows I'm not a hero, brother, so why do they expect me to care about that - because I didn't! I cared that Peter was dying and that he needed to survive!"

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