Chapter 11 - "Killian and Caring, there's no such thing!"

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"Once we cross this ridge, we'll be near the woods of the dead!" Mulan informed them as she swung her sword around to cut back any shrubbery that was in their way. "The last Poppies in this realm have taken seed here!"

"Woods of the dead?" Atarah spoke up. "What a lovely and cheery name! Had no idea it was called that!" She spoke as she picked at her nails bored.

She watched as Mulan found some Poppies and began to make the powder. She knelt down and softly touched one of the Poppy petals. They were a nice red colour, Red was her favourite colour but if Poppies were the colour of Roses, she'd be in love with the flower.

"How long will the effects last?" Snow asked Mulan as she was almost finished. She noticed Snow was nervous as she sat down.

"It's difficult to say!" Mulan informed her. "Maybe an hour, or maybe much less!"

"Well, I shouldn't need much time... as long as Henry's in there when I am!" Snow said as Atarah leaned against a nearby tree, not sure what to do with herself at the moment.

Mulan then blew the red powder from off her gloves hand and into Snows face. Snow twitched her nose as she leaned back, getting in a comfy position. It was then that Atarah wondered if she wanted all her memories back and in order. There had to be a reason why they were gone, right!

She bit her lip, she wanted, needed her memories back. But, she was having a few second thoughts. After all, she knew all her life was full of was suffering and pain, both hers and her victims. When she thought about it properly, she guessed that she didn't have some significant other or true love like Snow did. She guessed she didn't deserve love or to be loved, by anyone. Everyone knows villains don't get happy endings.

The Sea Somewhere

Atarah awoke to the familiar feel of a boat moving through waves. She slowly got up and pulled on her clothes. She grabbed a bottle of Rum as she walked out of the chambers. She was on the Black Pearl.

She knew her father, Brennan, wouldn't be happy. He hated this ship as Jack had told her. He never really told her why though, which she was fine with. After all, she barely knew her father or two older brothers, why should she get to know about them if they weren't even in her life.

She took a drink of the rum, only for it to be pulled out of her grip. "Hey!" She said as she looked at Jack, who was now drinking it.

"Love, this is my rum. However, you're free to go below and get some of your own!" He smiled before he planted a kiss on her forehead. She smiled and made her way down to where the rum was.

She was down there in her own and she could feel the waves most here as the boat moved along the sea. She went right to the far back and grabbed a bottle of rum. She waved her hand and the top disappeared. She took a drink of the liquid.

She spun round at the familiar sound of something appearing behind her. There she saw the familiar and scaly face of Rumplestiltskin, the Dark One. She took another drink. "What do you want, Stiltskin?" She asked finally as she sat on a nearby box.

"Dearie, I've come here as part of someone's half of a deal. And I really want what they're gonna give me, so let's go!" Rumplestiltskin said.

She laughed and took another drink of the drink in her hand. "No!" She told him. He gave her his famous laugh. "I'm not going anywhere with you! The person shouldn't promise you something you can't have!" She said as she waved her own hand and Rumplestiltskin disappeared through her black smoke.

She made her way back up to the deck and found Jack at the wheel. "So, you finally found it!" He said as he looked at the bottle in her hand.

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