Chapter 10 - "Good luck with that, Darling!"

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The next morning, Emma swan lead the small gang of Princesses through the Enchanted Forest. Henry and Aurora had aquatinted themselves in the nightmare they decided to call the Netherworld.

"How close are we?" Emma Swan asked. "Henry could already be waiting in this Netherworld!"

"No, we planned on meeting back in two hours!" Aurora assured the panicked and antsy mother.

"Yeah, but what if he's-" Emma began as she spun round.

"No, he was fine!" Aurora interjected.

"There. That looks like relatively safe high ground!" Snow spoke as she pointed to a vacant area of land. "Aurora, you'll settle in and find Henry. Get the information we need from Rumplestiltskin. We do this fast, in and out. It's still dangerous out here!"

"Look at you, back at your game, eh Snow?" Atarah spoke trying to get her mind off of her memories. Snow found it suspicious that Atarah was suddenly being so chatty, Atarah didn't talk to them, not anymore.

"Yeah" Snow answered half heartedly. "Tara, are you Ok? You seem a bit distant, ever since you had the talk with your brother!" Snow said thinking her talk with her brother was what was making Atarah become friendly suddenly.

"I'm fine, absolutely fine!" She smiled at them. It was a genuine smile, though Snow was unsure if it was a facade, she had pirate flowing through her veins after all.


The next thing they all knew, Mulan was attempting to wake Aurora by shaking her while she was in the Netherworld with Henry. The sound of branches snapping under weight made Atarah tense up as she stood up herself. Suddenly a group of armoured men jumped out of the bushes, attempting the attack the women.

"Hey Emma, you never read any of Atarah's stories did you?" Snow asked her daughter as she saw Atarah reach for her daggers from her boots.

"No, not really! Why? Why is that relevant right now?" Emma asked Snow puzzled as to why she was asking such a stupid question at a time like this.

"Well, you're about to see Atarah Jones in action. About to see why so many people are scared of her!" Snow told her daughter with a small smile, happy that they weren't fighting against the woman.

An armoured man with a shiny dagger threw the dagger at Atarah as another armoured man approached her from behind, a dagger in his hands too. She spun round on one leg and roundhouse kicked the approaching knife to the side and out of her way as she faced the man behind her and embedded her dagger into his neck. As the man with the dagger in his neck fell to the floor she faced the man in front of her and saw he ran at her. She threw her hands out and he went flying up to the air and disappeared.

She bent down and pulled the knife out of the man's neck. Another armoured man ran at her his dagger held out towards her. She ran towards him and grabbed his hand with the dagger in and ran under it and held his arm behind his back. She quickly thrust it and a crack signalled his arm being dislocated. She wrapped her arm around his neck and twisted it, successfully snapping his neck.

She had a strange sense of being watched, but shrugged it off as it was probably Snow or Emma. Little did she know it was neither of them, but something else.

She watched as the man she stabbed in the neck stood and ran at her. "What the fuck!" She said in disbelief as she grabbed a sword off the ground and ran at the man, slicing his head clean off. She wrinkled her nose in disgust as he fell to the floor. She spun round as saw the man who's neck she just dislocated got up. "Guys, I think Cora's controlling them with their hearts!" She called out as she held her hand out to one of the men and his body folded within itself until he became a large ball of flesh and bone.

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