Chapter 28 - "I guess we're going to Neverland!"

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"So, tell me, Hook, all this time, it's been about revenge!" David wondered from beside Hook, as they both looked ahead at Atarah who was a few yards ahead of them, using her magic as a source of light. "What is suddenly so important to you that you survive? I know what I'm fighting for- my family! What are you fighting for?"

Killian Jones was quiet for a while. "Myself!" He finally said. "That's plenty of motivation, believe me!"

"You sure it's not something else?" David asked as he looked ahead at Atarah. "You said something about those you care about, I assume you were talking about your sister? I mean, down at the town line that day, you showed that you both care for each other! If you didn't you wouldn't have called out for help while at her side. If she didn't she would've allowed you to get ran over, it shows she really does care for you deeply that she did it after you shot her. So, what is it? Do you not like to show that you care about others, other than yourself?"

A sudden noise from ahead caused them to immediately go quiet. Atarah looked back at them and they looked at her. She gestured to the wall and they all hid behind it. David cocked his gun, stepping out as a figure appeared. "The beans, give them to me!" David demanded. Greg Mendell, who was holding briefcases, placed them on the floor.

"You mean these?" Greg asked, pulling out a small jar of clear beans. She narrowed her eyes at the jar, focused on one bean and it soon appeared in her hand. She smiled as she slipped it into her pocket. A gunshot rang out and she quickly spun round to see David dodge it, and saw it whizzing straight for her. However, it stopped right in front of her face and dropped to the floor, but no one but herself and Greg saw as Killian and David looked back at Tamara who was approaching them.

Killian suddenly tackled Greg while Atarah raced for Tamara, David hot on her heels. She grabbed David's gun from him and threw it at Tamara with as much power she could handle. It hit her in the back of the head and she fell to the floor, Atarah snorting in joy. As Tamara was on the floor, she lost her gun and David went forwards to get his gun.

As she had her back turned, Greg jumped her. He pushed her to the floor, but she instantly swiped her leg at his feet. She dragged him to his feet and towards a wall. "Darling, this is gonna hurt! And when, your home office asks who did this to you, you tell them Atarah Jones!" She smirked before she slammed his face onto the wall and scarped it all over the wall, he screamed in pain as it sharply ripped into his skin.

She was almost satisfied, when she felt his hand smack her head off the wall she fell to the floor, grabbing his blade as she fell. She instantly got up swiped at his face, successfully cutting across his cheek. Then Greg and Tamara fled and Atarah felt her head, to feel blood trickling down her head.

"What are you doing? They've got the beans!" She heard David yell.

"Not all of them! I snagged one!" Killian said before he slipped it into his pocket.

"Where are the rest?" David asked.

"Who cares? All we need is one!" Killian replied. David went to run after them, but Hook stopped him. "Hey! Live to fight another day, mate!"

David glared at her brother before he took the bean out of his pocket. "I'm not your mate!" He spat at her brother.

"Boys, stop bickering like a pair of girls and let's go!" She snapped as she walked away from the pair and wiped away the blood on her head and the two followed without another word.


"We have the beans!" David announced to everyone gather at Granny's Diner, who all cheered, making Atarah roll her eyes. They only had one.

While everyone was talking about the beans, Killian slid into the booth Atarah was sitting at. She raised a brow at him. "May I help you, big brother?" She asked him.

"You've got a bean!" He whispered. "Why?" He demanded.

She looked at him, an innocent expression on her face. "Killian, I have no idea what you're on about! I don't have a bean, and if I did, people would know about it!" She told him.

"I know you have one, I saw it disappear!" Killian accused of her as he leaned forwards. "So, little sister, what are you using it for?"

"I'm afraid you're wrong, Killian!" She told him. "I think you should get all the facts before you start to accuse." She noticed her mother appear in the window. "Now, if you excuse me, I have a mother to talk to!" She got up and left the diner.

"Mother!" She said with a small smile. "What can I do for you?"

"Nothing, I'm here about, a promotion of yours, darling!" Her mother beamed. Atarah smoked at her mother. "You seem to be a favourite, as they all had input and couldn't decided on one thing, darling!"

"What do you mean?" She asked her.

"Well, as you know. There is a lot of magic, throughout the universes. Now, you're goddess of magic for five of those universes, this universe is one of those five. Goddess of music, Zeus decided it'd be a good fit for you. Goddess of nature and finally goddess of life! You are gonna have the basic goddess traits and abilities. Now you're friends are off down in the mines. Something is going to happen, so I suggest you run along and help them! Have fun being a goddess, dear. It's quite fun!" Her mother said before she disappeared in purple light.

So Atarah got up and raced towards the mines, realising she was a lot faster than she was before, and before she was alarmingly faster than any other human. She was so fast she got to the mines within a minute and was knocked on her ass, from running into Tamara. Who flew back and had the wind knocked out of her. She lay there gasping for air.

"Henry?" Atarah asked rather confused. When she heard whispering in her ear. "Let them take the boy, Peter needs him. Peter needs Henry. Don't worry, Greg and Tamara will be killed on Neverland by either the lost boys or Pan. Come back home, Pan missed you. He needs you!" The voice whispered in her ear as Greg and Tamara escaped with Henry through a portal. "That's it, Pan will be looking forward to meeting you again. We've all missed you, come back home!"

"Peter?" She whispered to herself. "I've missed Peter too! He needs me, but why? Well, I guess we're going to Neverland!"

"Atarah!" Emma yelled furious she had just let them take her son. The yell snapped her out of her trance and she looked at her. Emma jabbed Atarah in the chest. "You just watched and let them take my son! How could you?" The wind picked up slightly as Emma jabbed her in the chest again.

Atarah pushed Emma to the ground with just a jab in the chest back. "You may be my goddaughter, but you will not scream and shout at me, and never lay a hand on me again!" She snapped realising her rage had got somewhat worse.

Everyone paused and looked at her. "What?" She asked them before she walked towards the water. She had to keep this Goddess thing a low-key thing. She had to handle it first.

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