Chapter 5 - "Way ahead of ya!"

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Atarah was being dragged along by rope along side Snow and Emma. "I hate this and I hate you both!" She commented as Snow and Emma were behind actually dragged while all she did was walk.

They finally came to a stop. "What is this place?" Snow asked the Japanese woman on the horse. She looked like a warrior while the other one looked like a ditzy Princess.

"Our home!" The warrior answered.

They came into a beach and people stared. She rolled her eyes. "Haven't they got something better to do than stare?" Atarah rudely snapped as she glared at everyone who was staring at her.

"They're like refugees!" Emma said.

"We're survivors!" The warrior answered.

Snow suddenly kneed the ditzy one in the stomach. "Emma, Tara, run!" She yelled.

"Way ahead of ya!" Atarah said as she was running ahead of the two.

Suddenly Snow was on the floor and Emma stopped. "Tara!" Emma yelled making her halt and look behind at Snow, who was in the ground and unconscious.

"For the love of god!" She said as she stomped after them and crouched beside Snow.

"Mary Margaret. What did you do?" Emma demanded.

"Take them to the pit!" The warrior demanded.

People grabbed at her and she shrugged them off. "I can walk myself, You know. Don't put you're filthy hands on me!" She spat.


They were in some dank little cave. She sighed deeply and the rope on her wrists disappeared. "You could do that the whole time?" Emma demanded of her.

"Well, obviously! I'm magics only daughter and only child!" She told her. "Now, you stay here with your mother. I'm gonna go searching through the Enchanted Forest for some kind of portal to get back, and don't tell me to wait for her to awake, I work better alone. Try to get out of this place and find me. Snow will probably know where to go if she doesn't go to her own!" She winked before she waved her hand over herself and she disappeared in black smoke with a smirk on her face.


She appeared in front of her grand castle that hadn't even been touched by the curse. She smiled up at it, her castle. It was so grand and she loved the look of her castle. She waved her hand once more and she appeared inside her castle.

She ran her hand against the hand railing, dust on her hand as she removed it. She sighed as she walked up the stairs, she wondered if all her things were still here.

Of course she didn't come here for some way off the enchanted forest, she knew the others would find them a way off. She was actually looking for answers, to who she was, to who her friends were, who her family was, if she ever loved someone. She needed to know.

She deserved to know. She walked in the direction to her library. She pushed the doors open and walked straight to the back where she knew her personal files were.

She pulled the draw out to see it was completely empty, she felt her rage grow. There was a little note at the bottom.

Can't have you remember anything about who you are, who your family is, who you love, who loves you. Then, you'd have a happy ending and you ruined mine - Regina

She screamed in absolute rage. She screamed and screamed until she made her throat go raw. She slipped the note into her pocket. She was going to kill Regina, not caring about her information anymore. She was going to kill her then she was going to search all over her house and family tomb. No one took things off of her, especially important things.

She walked out of her library and slammed the doors. She headed for her old room and walked in, taking in everything. Her old bed, her old tools. She really missed being a kid, she truly did.

She walked up to her attic, just to check the woman was still there. She hated her with so much passion but she still looked after her as she grew up. Her Aunt May was still somewhat a parent, no matter what she did to her.

She unlocked the door and opened it to see the woman sitting with her back to her. "So, the curse is broken, and you're here. Stranded, I assume!" The woman coldly said.

"Yeah, got sucked through a portal with a Wraith!" She sighed. "I know I may not be in a position to ask this, but how are you, Auntie May?" She asked her.

The woman turned to face her with a furious look on her face. Her beautiful face had disappeared after her mother and aunts had finished with her. Instead of long blonde hair and bright blue eyes, she had black snakes as hair and had full white eyes. Instead of a nice tan complexion, she had a sickly white complexion, almost the colour of an albino. She had suffered what had happened to who was know as Medusa, but her mother wanted the woman to suffer by allowing people to see her. Her mother had also gotten rid of her magic.

"How am I?" She screeched. "How do you think I am? Look what your retched mother and aunts did to me. I was beautiful, now I'm a monster!" She yelled as she hit the wall in anger.

"Right, stupid question!" Atarah muttered as she sat on the chair near her.

Her Aunt looked over at her. "Do you hate me?" Her Aunt asked her.

"Sometimes it's hard not to hate you! I really do try not to hate you, I mean you did raise me. But after everything you did to me, everything. It's just so hard. I mean on full moon days I have to go during the day as a fucking swan. Then every two weeks I change into a bloody mermaid because I helped that merman. You put me in the bloody Pandora's box for how long. Resulting in me meeting the Dark One!" She explained to the woman who raised her.

"But, kidnapping you was good, wasn't it?" Her Aunt asked her. "From your father!"

"I don't want to talk about a family I don't remember. Again!" She said.

"Who was it this time?" Her Aunt asked her.

"Regina, I'm so furious. When I get back to Storybrooke she better have the information right then and there or I'm going to kill her. First it was you, then someone it was the Dark One, then it was someone I can't remember, then it was Cora, then just as I got them back Regina made the curse, causing me to loose them once again! I've had enough of all these forgetting potions. I just, want to remember!" She explained to her aunt, because she could vent to her.

"I could help you get them back, it's just I need you to give me my power back!" Her Aunt May told her.

She shook her head. "You know my mother made sure only she can undo everything!" She explained to her aunt.

"I've changed!" Her Aunt cried.

"I can't do anything! If my mother thinks you've got what you deserved, she'll undo it. No one an undo Hecate's work, not even the Dark One or the Black Fairy. She controls all magic, makes the rules to it!" She explained to her.

"I guess you should get back to your friends, they'll be expecting you!" Her aunt spoke.

"I'm going to retrieve something first. And Aunt May, I'll try and talk to my mom. If she listens to my calls." She told her aunt. Her aunt nodded softly.

"Angelica, I'm sorry for taking you from your father and brothers. You deserved to know them, and I robbed you of that. But, let me just say, I know what happened to your brother after that. I kept tabs on them. Your father sold them, and left to have another kid. You have a younger brother somewhere, but I wouldn't seek him out. He may be revengeful. Your brothers became sailors, but as soon as they went to the cursed island, I stopped watching them!" Her aunt told her. "The younger brother, he's protective. He attacked me when I kidnapped you."

"What island?" She asked.

"Neverland!" Her aunt spoke.

"What? I feel like, I've heard of the place before." She said. But shrugged it off as she closed the door and locked it. She ventured all the way to the basement.

She got there and picked up the special knife. She needed this knife, it was important to her and no one should ever know about it. It was dangerous.

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