Chapter 2 - "Like i'd listen to anything your father says!"

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Suddenly they hit rough waters and Atarah raced for the wheel, trying to avoid what was in the water. She didn't want to be drowned by her own kind, after all, as she sensed them.

"What are you doing?" Snow asked her, thinking she was doing something wrong, but Judas stuck up for her.

"She's trying to keep it steady!" He told them sternly as they were all thrown to the side, while Atarah gripped the wheel to avoid falling as well.

"Prepare for attack!" Hook yelled as he ran towards his sister, who was at the wheel. He was thankful it was her at the wheel and not David or Snow.

"Be more specific!" Regina yelled out to Killian.

"If you've got a weapon, then grab it." Her brother ordered.

"Whats out there? A shark? A whale?" Emma suggested to them all on the boat, who were rushing around trying to find what was surrounding them.

"A kraken?" David asked.

"Worse!" Her brother answered.

"What's worse than a bloody kraken?" Judas asked her brother incredulously, she didn't know whether she had made the right decision. Maybe she should have gone straight to Felix or Peter or even the shadow as soon as she was through the portal.

"Do use your brains!" She snapped viciously, hoping that they wouldn't be this dumb throughout the whole trip, as that wouldn't work very well. "It's mermaids!"

"Mermaids?" Emma asked in disbelief.

"Yes, and they're quite unpleasant!" Her brother explained to the so called 'Savior' while she narrowed her eyes at her brother, he did not just say that.

"Take care of how you speak of my kind! Or I might just go join them!" Atarah snapped venomously as the mermaids began to hit the boat. "That'd be quite fun. Destroy my brothers boat with people just like myself!"

"I'll try and outrun them!" Hook yelled out as he completely ignored his sisters comment and ran over to the ships wheel and began to turn it around.

"How many are there?" Judas asked as Atarah simply sat peacefully on the deck, she wasn't going to harm the mermaids. After all, she was a mermaid herself and had made a few mermaid friends through Neptune here.

"I will not be capsized by fish!" David aggressively snapped. She heard him messing about with chains, but didn't care to watch what he was doing. So she toned everything out and ignored what they were doing in the background.

After a while she opened her eyes to see a mermaid caught in a net, thrashing about, trying to break free as she cried out in frustration, making Atarah sigh at the people around her.

She had mentioned that she was a mermaid herself, yet they felt the need to catch one like a fish and bring her aboard the ship, much less right next to her. She really wasn't in the mood now.

"Get that thing off my ship!" Her brother cried out, looking at the mermaid disgusted.

"She's not a thing, Killian. She's something called a mermaid, maybe you've heard of one of those. Oh, right, you haven't. Hey, maybe you could try cleaning out that sea brain of yours, then you can be taught all about mermaids." She snapped as she glared at her brother, while the mermaid smiled. "Also, be careful what you call thing, because, for your information! I'm also a mermaid, so shut your trap."

Her older brother had said Atarah Jones was kind and had saved him, but had no idea she stood up to humans and defended mermaids like that. It made her feel happy that there were some mermaid hybrids out there that cared for her kind.

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