Chapter 9 - "We all are so far from ok!"

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Atarah was slowly waking up, when she was sucked into her another dream. This one had a strong pull upon her.

Atarah fell. She was falling and falling, until she hit a hard floor with a thump and banged her head off the floor. She groaned and stood rubbing the back of her head.

She took in her surrounding and saw that she was in some kind of forest. "Rumplestiltskin, I'm going to kill the fucking little double-crosser. Make one deal with the man that hates you and once he gets what he wants, he strands and maroons you on some fucking land! Dark One or not, I'm gonna shove my foot so far up his ass that he'll taste my toes for weeks!" She muttered to herself angrily.

She was angry so she looked for something to punch, her eyes landed on a tree, she decided not to punch the tree, she could break it. So she looked at the floor and punched that, making a small fist hole in the floor. She felt like kicking his head in. "The scaly little coward. He is nothing without his magic, show him stranding me. How about I strand him on a land without magic? Cut his limbs off. Strangle him with his own leg." She angrily growled as she kept punching the floor.

Once she finally stopped punching the floor she looked to see a small crater on the floor with her blood over the floor. She looked to her hand and saw that her knuckles were bleeding. She looked to her other hand and started punching the floor again. "Blow up his castle with him inside? Turn him into, Oh, I don't know. A crocodile! Banish him into bad luck forever!" She growled with each punch using her other hand.

When her rage finally disappeared she looked up to see a boy sitting in a tree looking extremely amused. She narrowed her eyes at him and had a sense of familiarity. "May I help you, or do you prefer to just constantly stare at people like a creep?" She asked him with a raised brow.

He jumped off the tree and walked over to her. She recognised his amazing green eyes, she had seen him somewhere before. He looked to where the small crater was. "Someone's angry!" He smirked at her.

"Have we met before?" She asked him.

"I believe so, just not properly. I'm Peter. Peter Pan!" He told her.

"Atarah Jones!" She said with a look of suspicion written all over her face.

She awoke with a gasp and immediately sat up, alarmed. She wasn't so sure about this Peter Pan, But one thing she knew was that her brother had thrust a sword through her stomach.

She looked over and saw that Snow and Emma were hugging. She silently followed behind all the princesses, thinking about what she had just seen.


While at the beanstalk, a ebony haired sailor jumped off, attempting to regain his strength and energy. He leant forwards slightly, squinting as he tried to see clearly through the dark atmosphere that surrounded him. By the time he had been freed by the giant that was holding him captive, Emma and her friends were long gone. He would've hoped that maybe his little sister would've stuck around, but he guessed not.

"My dear captain," a voice rang out throughout the dark atmosphere. He leant his head back upon hearing this voice. "It seems you've been on quite an adventure. Now, the Compass, please!"

"Yes, That well, matters grew complicated," Hook trailed off as he faced Cora. "It's eluded me for the moment. The details of the affair are a bit of a bore!"

"Really?" Cora wondered suspiciously aloud with a bitterly fake smile on her face. "Stealing my Protection Spell and climbing the beanstalk without me may seem like a bore to you but to me, it's betrayal!"

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