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"Time of death, 5:00 PM." The doctor shakes his head in disappointment as he looks down at my unconscious body. "I had high hopes for this one." He admits, backing away slowly and setting my patient file on the metal scooter table next to my body, laying cold on the shiny examination table. I'm shocked, I didn't think I would survive after the last end I cut. 

I can finally admit, that I have truly lost the Aleks I used to be. He's gone now. I faked my death, but it was for something important. I have to find out what's going on in this place. I mean, what else can I do with my life now? Nothing, but rot. If I'm going to die in a psycho asylum, then I'm going to do it in style, heroically. I hope Eddie is okay, I hope he knows that I survived, or maybe the doctor went to go to tell him I'm a goner.

I need to wake up, I need to stop talking...I need to become conscious once again. I cough and suck in a heavy breath, gasping for air as I hold my neck with my slightly discolored hand. I breathe softly and feel the cut on my neck, stitched and fixed. I blink a couple times to regain my vision. I'm here, in the morgue where other bodies lie, looking death in the eyes. I crawl off the examination table and walk toward the mini doors where the bodies are held.

Opening one, I pull the metal table out of the compacted hole, the body was stitched from its stomach to chest, wrist to shoulder, ankle to upper thigh. What the hell happened to this patient? I look at the tag on the corpses' toe. Jane Manning, suicide. What suicide attempt was she trying to achieve? Her body looks like it's been torn apart, limb from limb. She's practically stitched everywhere on her body.

Footsteps echo close behind the double doors that lead out to the medical hallway. I look up and shove the body back into the compacted hole, slamming the door shut. I crawl back onto the table, shutting my eyes and I try to hold my breath as I hear the footsteps revolve around the examination table...around my body.

The person sniffles. setting there hand on my cheek, I can feel them pressing their forehead against my bare chest. Their tears sliding down the edge of my body, crashing against the table, sounding like a raindrop against concrete.

"I should have stopped you, I should have fucking said something." The voice whimpered. Eddie! My eyes open and I see Eddie in my view, I throw myself at him, wrapping my arms around his neck and burrying my face in his arms. He hugs me back in shock.

"Holy shit! I thought you were dead!" He cups my face in his hands, looking into my eyes.

"Ya-Ya i'm alright." I wrap my hand around his wrist. We stare into each others eyes for a few seconds, I wait for him to make a move, but all he's doing is breathing softly and keeping his eyes locked with mine.

Setting both of my hands on his cheeks, our lips brush against one another, but before they can really touch, the sound of something getting unlocked fills our ears and Eddie looks behind me, I turn my neck so I See what he sees. What looked like a normal wall, is now an open passage way. Eddie and I both walk towards the door and see concrete steps leading down into some unknown basement, or something around those lines.

I look over at him, and his expression is blank.

"Where the hell does this lead to?" I ask.

He still looks blankly at the passage way.

"I have no idea, but it opened for a reason."

Eddie walks down a couple steps and then disappears completely as the spiral stairs go deeper. I look behind me at the double doors leading back to the medical hall. In a split second I speed walk down the stairs and bump into Eddie as he stands on the last step. 

And right before our eyes, we see what we fear most. Bodies piled up on top of one another, eyes sewn shut, body parts scattered around the room that has about five chairs with leather cuffs for wrists and ankles.

"What in the hell..." I whisper and Eddie looks up at me.

"So this is what the doctors do with their spare time." Eddie says emotionless.

"And it's a mystery to who's next."

"Probably someone who knows too much, which would be us." Eddie corrects me.

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