Faking a death.

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Author's note: I want to thank everyone who has stuck with this story, and has fallen in love with it just as much as I have through the chapters. I am planning on creating a sequel when this book has ended. This story has over 9000 views, thank you all so much !! I love you all with my heart and soul, you guys have no idea how much better you make my day with your view...your vote...and your comment, thank you so much!


Sitting next to each other, Eddie looks over at me. His hands are holding each other, intertwined with each other. Mine lie flat against the cold bed without any sheets. Our breathing match each other, slow and uneven.

"You'll have to fake your death." He says quietly, as he looks into my eyes. I look down and think about this. I nod and stand up running my hands down the sides of neck and breathe softly, knowing exactly what to do. During the time we were in his room, when I first got dumped at this place I read up on the latest suicides that have been commited here. Lots of them are from hanging themselves to drowning in a pond that used to be a part of the backyard behind the asylum. It wa filled it when it claimed over fifty deaths. There were two in particular that caught my eye; cutting the throat. What if I cut the skin, just enough to make it look like a bled out from the neck? It has to be possible.

"Okay, I have a plan. And you might find me crazy, but I think it's our only way into the morgue." I say playing with my fingerw nervously. Eddie is giving me this look, like he doesn't trust me, or that he's going to doubt me automatically.

"Go on." He says, standing up and crossing his arms.

"I need to make a slight cut around my throat." I say and I get ready to step back.

Eddie's eyes open wide and he rubs his mouth. "Cut your throat, eh?" He asks. I nod.

"I've got the blade already in my pocket." He covers his mouth with both hands and stands up slowly, walking toward me, and gently sliding his hand over mine, wrapping his soft delicare fingers around the palm of my hand. He smiled slightly, "I knew you would end up like this."

My eyebrow raises in question. What the hell does that mean? End up like what? I'm me, Aleks, no one or nothing else. Unless i've sunk so deep I can't even tell who I really am. Maybe Eddie is just an observer, he and many people have been the ones watching me change, I've been so stuck in an insanity I wanted to become a reality.

"What do you mean?" I ask, my lip quivering.

He shrugs and slides a piece of my hair away from my eye.

"You're stronger. You would actually try to fake a death by actually attempting suicide in some artistic form. In the beginning, you were scared Aleks that didn't know what to believe. You didn't know what to make of me, but you followed me. Now you stand before me, brave and in love with the fact that I'm by your side. You're willing to risk your life for everyone in this asylum, even though they've done nothing to you in any nice manner. You were the one that would find out what's really going on here, I knew you were the one all along."  Eddie says in quiet voice. I slightly smile and then look at the doorway, it's quiet. The nuns and doctors must be downstairs for lunch, this is my chance. I look over at Eddie, with a weak smile on my face.

"I'm going to go now, i'm...gonna go do it."

He nods and takes a seat onto his bed.

Half way in the doorway and set my forehead on the edge.

"If something happens, If I...mess up. Play it safe Eddie."

Eddie refuses to look at me, or even acknowledge me. He just stares down at the ground, as if he's nothing.


The walls that create the box shape of the bathroom, or rusty and the color of throw up green. I hold the thin, sharp blade in the palm of my right hand. I shut my eye and breathe softly. I have to get this done quickly, before someone comes in as I try to do it.

Holding the blade to the right corner of my neck, I lightly push down and cut the skin, little drips of blood hit the edge of the white sink. Half way finished, it starts to feel weird, like a part of me has escaped. Maybe my voice? Everything turns into nothing but a blur, I stumble backwards, hitting one of the bathroom stall doors. I think of Eddie and his warmth, his last kiss that he pushed upon my lips, and the last touch I got with his hand. I count down for the last cut, tears pour down the sides of my face, 1....2....3....Morgue...here I come.

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