Missing Memory

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Eddie looked over at Aleks, he looked at him and thought about what he said last night. Was it true? Was he lying? Aleks smiled at him, taking a seat right next to him.

"What's wrong?" Aleks asked.

Eddie shook his head and looked down at his fingers, they were shaking, he was shaking. Was he scared, having the actual feeling called fear? How? What for? He didn't know, he usually wasn't scared of anything. He was the fear.

"Nothing..." Eddie said in a slur, but he couldn't even think straight by the time he said that word. He started to move left...then right. Until finally...he fell, and the darkness that was covering the inside of his body engulfed  him, all of him.

Missing Memory of Aleks and Eddie. 1-23-14, Aleks's room.

"There's nothing wrong with you, okay Eddie?"

"Than why the hell am I here?" Eddie said, almost yelling it across the room as Aleks stayed away from him. He didn't want to risk getting hurt because of Eddie's anger.

"Why the hell am I here?" Aleks said and Eddie looked over at him, with a large change in expression. He looked sad...depressed even. He was so depressed because even the thought of Aleks being tortured in this place, even by him...made him want to go more insane than he already was.

Aleks walked foreword and Eddie stepped back.

"Please don't walk away from me..." Aleks pleaded.

"I can't risk hurting you anymore..." Eddie said and kept walking backwards.

"Listen to me Eddie, you're not thinking straight right now. Just listen to me..." Aleks exclaimed, his voice almost turning into a slight yell.

Eddie looked up at him, filled with pain and misery. He finally hit the wall when he reached his limit in backing up. He couldn't do it anymore...just looking at Aleks...there was just...pain. But he was willing to listen, he was willing to do anything for his Aleksander. Eddie looked up at him with watery eyes, they looked like fragile glass that could shatter at any moment.

"When I first met you, I was afraid, I was deeply scared of you. But even though you intimiadated me, I sitll never left you side. Somehow...your darkness...'" Aleks paused and looked down at the ground as he crawled down onto his knees.

"Your sweet, delicious darkness kept pulling me foreword when I wanted to walk away." Eddie looked up at Aleks, tears falling from his eyes and running down his scarred cheeks.

"You intimidated me for sure, and I knew that you were going to be a challenege, but I won...I got through those wallls...

Aleks breathes in softly and lets a couple tears fall from his cheek, crawling closer to Eddie.

"And I have come to the final conclusion...that...i'm in love with you..."

"I always have been..."

Eddie looked up at Aleks and pulled him to his chest, never wanting to let him go.

"I love you too, more than you can imagine." They sat there...held into each other...

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