The Guy Im Totally Into - Expensive Headphones

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By the Why this barely has anything to do with the song I just needed a title so oof

Rich's P.O.V

I'm sitting in the hospital alone as Jeremy left a week ago. It's very lonely in this white room I already know too well. Nobody come to visit me as Jake cannot because of his broken legs and my dad can't because...well, you know my dad.

So, basically it's pretty lonely and sad here. The nurses come around once and a while but they don't really....have a real conversation with me, ya know? They don't care about me, they're just here so I stay alive(whErE iS mY soN?!??).

I was interrupted from my thoughts when I heard a knock on the door.

Michaels P.O.V

Rich has been in the hospital for a while now. His burns were pretty severe, as he was the one to start the fire and the one to get burned by it.

Jeremy got out a almost a week ago I think, and we're good again. I'm still mad at him of course, but it's getting better.

I decided I should see Rich since he's probably alone in his room because Jeremy is obviously gone.

Time skip to when Michael in the hospital

I'm waiting outside of Rich's room, debating if I should go in or not. I've had a minor crush on him since 7th grade. Oh, who am I kidding, it's the biggest crush I've ever had. And I've had a huge crush on Jeremy before.

I decided to go in of course, if I didn't I would've came here for nothing.

I see Rich on the bed, zoning of into space. I can see burn marks on his face that, if I have to be honest here, kinda look awesome on him. And cute. That might sound weird, I know.

I knock on the open door trying to get his attention.

"Hey R-Rich, hows it hanging, bud?" I asked Rich who snapped out of his daze.

Rich turned his head to me(or as far as he could because he's in a cast...).

"Oh, hey Michael! I've actually been doing pretty good, if I thay(say) tho(so) mythelf(myself)!" He exclaimed. "It hath(has) been getting pretty lonely, though..." he added the last part quietly. He had a huge smile on his face and....a little blush? Hm...

"Yeah, I figured it would be since Jeremy left. So I decided to stop by!" I smiled back.

"Yeah, you're a cool dude, you know that?" He questioned with a small blush on his cheeks. I smiled a lot and turned my head awake since I'm blushing super hard at the moment.

"Well, the doctor'th(doctor's) thaid(said) I'll be able to get out of thith(this) hell-hole thoon(soon), tho(so) that'th(that's) good! They altho(also) took motht(most) of the bandageth(bandages) and cathtth(casts) off of me," he said pretty quickly.

"Thorry(sorry)...I'm probably being annoying..." he said quietly.

"No! Rich, you're not annoying at all!" I exclaimed quickly, rushing over to seat next to his bed. "Actually, I enjoy talking to you. You're fun to talk to," I gave him a smile. I probably was almost as red as a tomato.

"Tho(so), how'th(how's) it like at thcool(school)?" Rich asked.

"I dunno, it's pretty boring without you," I started to scoot closer to Rich. He turned almost as red as his burns.

"Dating any boys yet? We all know your gay, Michael. But it's okay, totally bi now," he exclaimed quickly, his lisp totally gone.

"Oh...uhm...well there is this one person, but we aren't dating," I stated sadly. I was talking about Rich is you didn't get the hint.

"Oh? Who is this...mystery boy?" He asks. I can tell he has a little sadness in his voice, but I can't exactly tell why. Maybe he knows who I like and he likes him as well?

"Well, he's very nice to me....he has very pretty brown eyes...he has thick dirty brown hair..." he trails off.

'Is he talking about me?' Rich thinks. 'He's totally into you!' He thinks again and grows a huge smile and a very red blush on his face.

"He's not really in the best condition right now but...he's getting better," I said, smiling like a goof. Rich sat up as he only had thin bandages on his body and no more casts so he could move.

"Could you tell me who this is?" Rich asked, lisp gone. He put his arm on Michael shoulder and looked into his eyes.

"'s..." i stammered out as Rich leaned closer to me.

"It's..." I couldn't finish my sentence as Rich's lips were on mine. They tasted sweet, I couldn't tell what it tasted like though.

I put both of my hands on his cheeks to hold him in place.

He backs away from the kiss, flustered as hell. I was too, so I can't exactly blame him.

I look into his beautiful brown eyes, ones you could get lost in.

"You're the guy I'm kinda, not kinda. I love you, Rich. I have since 7th grade," I put out there. Rich got more and more flustered by the second.

"I-I.....I love you too Michael!" Rich exclaimed. He got up and hugged me as tight as he could.

I hugged him back, of course. "I can't wait till you get out of the hospital," I whispered to him. Rich chuckled a little and nodded.

"I can't wait either. I'll be able to hug you and kith(kiss) you ath(as) much ath(as) I want...." He whispered to me.

"You wanna go out with me sometime?" I asked. "Unless you don't want to! That's f-fine!" I stammered out.

"No! Michael, I would love to! That would be amazing, Michael," Rich responded back to me.

"I really do love you, Rich," I whispered back to him.

"I really love you too, Michael. You're the best person in my life at the moment," Rich responded.

"You're the guy I'm totally into..."

Word count - 1032
This was unedited so if there's any spelling errors tell me please
I couldn't edit it cause were busy so heck
Thanks for reading and sorry I haven't updated in a while

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