Light-Skinneded - Boyfs

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Jeremy's P.O.V

"Yeah! Yes, we did get together. You want to hear the story?" I ask Christine.

"Well, duh! Let's hear all of the details," She responds back.

Sorry, you probably don't know what this about. This is how this kid, Michael, started dating. I'll just tell it from the beginning...


Woah. A new kid arrived in our class today. And he was hot. I mean, really hot. He was light skinneded, he might've been Filipino(I couldn't do Puerto Rican cri), long-ish hair, mature in the body like woah. Like woah. That's not the only reason I liked him though.

"Hello, my name is Michael(naomiIIi) Mell," this apparent Michael says, "I'll be in your guys class for the rest of the year. I moved here from New York," he says then comes to sit down. I stare at him and blush. He catches my eye and smirks, coming to sit in the seat above me. He exclaimed earlier that he moved to New Jersey from New York, where dreams are made.

"Hey," I poke Rich with a pencil, "Rich, Hey,"

"whAt?" He whisper-yells. "What do you want?"

"Can we switch seats?" I say with a tinted blush spread across my face.

Rich smirked and got up from his seat. He gestured to it says 'here's your new seat', so I got up to go sit in the seat like a person would.

"Uh, hi, my name is Jeremy. What the heck I gotta do to be with you?" I ask Michael. He smirks and says, "I don't know, what DO you have to do?" He responds back.

"Who do I have to be for you to be with me?" I ask him with google-y eyes.

Back to present

"And you told him all of this in class?" Christine asked me with a smile on her face.

"Well, yeah! Well, I texted him! I was like," I stated out then I started to retell the story again.

Flashback again

What the heck I gotta do to be with you? I texted Michael as I sat in class.

Who do I have to be for you to be with me? I texted Michael again since he didn't answer me the first time. I'm kinda nervous, but I hope it'll turn out the way I want.

:). Michael texted me back. Yes! I yell in my head.

Next thing you know we're texting day and night, I trust him right away. I haven't met anyone like him bro. He listens to all my problems, especially the one about the supercomputer that used to be in my head. That one gets a little frustrating somethings, though.

Either way, I let him copy all my homework. It's like we've been friends for 12 years already. It's amazing.

And then I lay it all on the line.

Could you, maybe, possibly, go out with me? I really like you and I would very much enjoy it if you were to say yes. I type out. Oh god, I sound so dumb right now.

And he was like......


Word count - 518
Sorry I haven't been uploading, I haven't had any motivation and I've been on break from school so:// I've also been depressed a lot for the past few weeks even with my medicine.

Either way, that you guys soooo much for over 500 reads!! It mean so much to me, you wouldn't even know it.

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